Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hydra Ploughman, District 4 Escort

Made by Lady Lysa Arryn
Name: Hydra Ploughman 

Age: 38

Have been escorting since: 79th hunger games

Appearance: A bald round man with his hair, sideburns and moustache died blue. He has big red lips and little to no neck. He is severely overweight. He is rather small and to compensate for this he'll wear heels to make his stubby legs longer. 

Personality: An honest and generous man. Hydra will do what he can to help his tributes. He always puts them first and won't stop "trying" to help until they've won or died. Hydra can be snarky and sarcastic when he is pissed off (don't make fun of his weight) and is a witty man. While he may look and act like a bumbling idiot, hydra is far from stupid and knows how the game is played. Hydra above all uses his appearance as a disguise to make people think he is useless.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: He says he couldn't have been blessed with a better district. He loves four itself but he always expects too much out his tributes, especially if they're volunteers and 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: He treats them like first class citizens, while he adores the publicity they bring him, once their behind closed doors he will try and get involved in anything to do with them. Yes he'll usher them off to training and that but he won't lie to them, he can be brutally honest. He will however bend over back ways to promote them and improve the sponsorships.

How do they treat the mentors?: I will on occasion talk down to them as according to him the Capitol is superior and he is always right.

Pet Peeves: People who don't wait for everyone to sit down at the table for dinner and people who aren't up bright and early.

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