Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jessamine Di' Avile Montyguile, District 8 Escort

Made by GryffindorOnFire
Name: Jessamine Di' Avile Montyguile

Age: 19

Have been escorting since: This is her first year. She's been studying the art of Escorting for years now and have devoted herself to it.

Appearance: Jessamine looks almost identical to a porcelain doll. She may have the smoothest hair you'll ever see, and feels just as luscious. It's dyed a light blonde, to the point where it may seem silver. She had a small, yet almost too skinny figure. Some say she's still hooked on the fad after one Victor's Games were so unbearable, everyone was starving and you could clearly see their distinct, mutilated form of hunger. She has slender figures and her eyes are an eerie glass shell. It looks like she may be blind, but she can see perfectly well. All her features resemble that of a doll and her complexion is a light olive. She can't be more than 4' 11" and weighs 80 pounds dripping wet.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): She's very conservative and her wardrobe is full of overly extravagant gowns. She has tremendous hair styling that pile high.

Personality: Jessamine is overly peppy. She may even appear as annoying and pushy to some. Her voice is a strange squeak and she sounds like she's eating a bubble. However, she truly hopes to encourage her tributes to try. She wants another achievement to add to her name. She loves to boost her own ego albeit, and loves receiving compliments. She doesn't take it well when she fails, however. She likes attention and appraisal, and usually shoves it down other's throats. She's a consistent boaster, and is well-known to be snarky. (please ask if you have any questions!)

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She expected it for a first timer, but she doesn't think its all that bad. The tributes are nice enough and have a chance. Sometimes. She feels a good vibe from this year's batch however and are determined to take them to the top.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them as if she was babysitter and they were the babies. She wants to prove to the hypothetical parents that shes well-worthy of this occupation and exceptionally trained.

How do they treat the mentors?: She absolutely adores them for their great work within the Games and respects them. She hopes to work as a team for their tributes. But honestly, she centers the attention around herself.

Pet Peeves: Dirty Complexion, Losing, Failing, Anything Unorganized/Not Neat/Not Clean

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