Monday, January 18, 2016

Clara Revery, District 6 Mentor: Billie

Made by LokiThisIsMadness

Name: Clara Revery.

District: 6.

Age: 19

Games they won: 83rd.

Appearance: She has hazel eyes, long dark brown hair and is slim and tall (176cm). She usually wears her hair loose. She tends to make an effort with her appearance to look neat and tidy and pretty. She wears minimal makeup and her clothes are usually plain but neat and stylish.

Personality: She is a very interfering person who loves to interfere in other people's affairs. She is far too interested in other people's affairs and has a tendency to pry and snoop. She is very nosy and meddlesome – fond of interfering in things that actually don't really concern her. Also she is officious, in both senses of the word – in trivial matters she is exceedingly pedantic and a stickler for rules, asserting her authority to the point of being domineering. But she is also officious in the way that she is very overbearing in offering people advice and interfering with their problems, she comes across as very intrusive. She doesn't so much give advice, as lecture people on how they should be behaving and point out all their flaws – she is very judgemental of others. She is very prim and disapproves of everything she regards as improper – and isn't afraid to let people know her feelings. She is extremely self-righteous and very sanctimonious, believing herself to be, and acting like she is, morally superior to others. She can come across as very pompous. Also, if she sees something she disapproves of, she's not afraid to tell tales on people and is a terrible tattletale. Spying on people and interfering has made her very observant – she is quick to notice even the smallest things – and she is extremely astute. She can accurately assess situations and turn them to her advantage, for example, by telling on someone at exactly the right moment so that it benefits her. She is also artful, verging on sly. She comes across, especially to authority figures, as very well mannered and polite. She behaves in an obsequious way, extremely obedient and attentive to authority figures, in order to gain advantage with them – she is very sycophantic and her behaviour is ingratiating. She can come across as unctuous – sometimes she goes to far and is excessively flattering and ingratiating, almost a bit oily.

Strategy for mentoring: She has to get to know the tribute first, before she decides if they are worth it or not. If she decides that they are woth it, she'll do her best to make sure that they have sponsors. Also, she has a little grudge against the District Six Male. Her district partner in the Games was her ally and betrayed her in the final 4, and Clara barely escaped with her life. Probably because her Games were only last year, she has kept that grudge, and has promised herself that she'll make the D6 male's live a living hell, everytime. By manipulating sponsors to sponsor her girl instead of the boy, Clara is decided to make sure that the District Six male doesn't leave the Games with his life, whoever he is. 

Relation to tribute: Protective of her girl, and making sure that she knows everything there is to know about the Games. Hateful towards the Male, and might even get to the point of insulting him, even if he is a good person. She doesn't care, since she sees her district partner everytime she looks at him. 

Opinion on being a Victor: Happy that she's alive, but not really excited to be a mentor. To be completely honest, she's only there to get her revenge on her district partner. She has no interest in getting to know someone, get attached, and then watching them die. Yeah, thanks. It's not for her. 

Opinion on the Capitol: Loathes them. They reaped her, runied her life, and sent her to a life of prostitution. In the first chance she got, she would do anything to end them. However, she loves her family and know that their life is in the Capitol's hands, so she keeps quiet about that. 

Opinion of escort: Hates her, like she hates every Capitol person. They ruined her life, and now, they have to pay for it. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: Don't trust anyone, and you won't be suprised.

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