Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Eleanor Smith, District 10 Escort

Made by W.R. Winters
Name: Eleanor Smith 

Age: 21

Have been escorting since: the 80th Hunger Games

Appearance: She has a rather short height, but a very curvy attractive form. She has nicely tanned skin, long chocolate brown hair styled in a loose ponytail. She also has large bright brown eyes, full lips and a nice smile.

Style: She likes to keep it bright and rustic. Imagine a cowgirl wears bright orange, yellow and pink and you'll get the right idea

Personality: She speaks with a Southern Accent and treats everyone like family. She likes to live life with flourish and to keep life clean and smell nice. She's a little OCD when it comes to certain things though. She really hates addictions of all kinds and will always get on your case about how you should be breaking them.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She wishes she was born somewhere else, of all places she came from the ranch district

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: Like people, actually she treats them like family

How do they treat the mentors?: she treats them with respect, but does feel they can be a little too harsh

Pet Peeves: When people don't smell pleasant

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