Saturday, January 16, 2016

Carissa Kempton, District 8 Mentor: Felicity

Created by Wetstar

Name: Carissa Kempton

Age: 71

Games they won: 30th (17 at the time)

Appearance: Gray hair, wrinkly skin. She has brown eyes. 

Personality: Fairly no nonsense, doesn't take any shit from anyone. Despite that, she does like to joke, she just refuses to let it interfere with her mentoring. She still sits on the back of the sofa to watch the training scores and give advice to her tributes, despite the escort's protests that she'll break a hip and that she's "ruining the furniture." Her philosophy is basically "mentor first, get to know them and keep them calm second"

Strategy for mentoring: Make sure that they have a strategy and are as well prepared as possible. She'd offer as much advice from previous years as she can. She wants to be sure that they know what they're doing, even if they're stressed because the stress isn't exactly something that she can get rid of easily, but she can make sure that they stand a fighting chance. 

Relation to tribute: She gives her tribute plenty of advice first and then tries to get to know her a little bit in order to help her figure out a good sponsor angle. 

Opinion on being a Victor: She likes it better to the alternative, even if it does suck. 

Opinion on the Capitol: *blows raspberry* Basically. 

Opinion of escort: Thinks that she's a complete idiot.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "Don't sacrifice yourself for somebody else because they're probably gonna die later on anyways. Don't get yourself killed trying to rescue an ally that might die in two days from their current injuries. Everyone else has to die for you to come home. Don't forget that and put yourself in danger. It's alright to care about the other tributes, but it's not alright to throw your life away for them." She's basically at the point where she's watched so many tributes die that she's really just kind of jaded about the whole thing.

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