Thursday, January 7, 2016

Gabriel Yates, District 9 Mentor: Kade

Made by CrissKenobie-the-Numenorean

Name: Gabriel Yates

Age: 40

Games they won: 61

Appearance: brunet with greying hair. A blank face before the cameras. He has light grey eyes, is about 6'1" and has a quite muscular form.

Personality: he is a quite happy person, despite his stern face. He suffers from nightmares often, and is mellow from his lack of sleep.

Strategy for mentoring: make the tribute figure things out for themselves. He'll give them hints, but they need to think if the want to get all of his help.

Relation to tribute: none besides the fact that he was once in their shoes.

Opinion on being a Victor: neutral, he hates himself for what he did, and the capitol for putting him through such an event but he knows that he can't be to angry about winning because it means he is still alive. 

Opinion on the Capitol: hates them. Can schmooze like nobody's business, but hates them.

Opinion of escort: "shut up, you're not helping by rambling on about the Capitol, so shut up and let me give them some actual advice."

Philosophy/Winning Advice "once you get in there, you can't be human any more, not if you want to get out. People become monsters the moment the glass falls away and to survive, you've got be willing to be a monster too."

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