Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beetee Latier, District 3 Mentor: Ductor

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Beetee Latier
Age: 64
Games they won: 38th
Appearance: Dark skin and hair, brown eyes, nerdy, glasses, etc.
Personality: Very devious and constantly planning, Beetee can always stay organized.  He’s very bright and wise.  He is the most organized person and is good at keeping a level head, not letting very much shake him.  Beetee is a hard worker that always has something in mind and also a spectacular problem-solver. He does not rest until problems are solved.  He is a thinker that avoids dwelling on the past and focuses on the future.
Strategy for mentoring: Give all the advice he can.  He’s a seasoned veteran when it comes to mentoring, he knows what he’s doing.  He can deal with a wide range of tributes from all ages and knows how to calm them down and what advice to give.  He will always find their strengths and weaknesses, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and will give advice on how to build strength.  Losing so many tributes has become disheartening, but Beetee doesn’t give up.
Relation to tribute: He would definitely get to know his tribute intimately.  He would get to know everything about his tributes so he knows how he can best help them.  He gets to know their personalities inside and out, and will cater to them no matter what personality type.
Opinion on being a Victor: It’s horrid, but he’s used to it.  He is rebellious and wishes he could use his skills to help rebels, but he’s getting older and knows that he won’t see rebellion unfold.  He is obedient for fear that the Capitol will find some ways to hurt him, and secretly lives in pain.  He isn’t completely put back together, even after it’s been so long since his Games ended, they forever affected him.
Opinion on the Capitol: He abhors the Capitol and all they stand for.  He hates having to mentor tributes just to watch them die.  The Games still affect him.  He is very protective of the other Victors and generally can’t be happy when he’s in the Capitol.
Opinion of escort: He knows she’s just naïve and hopes that escorting will change her bit by bit.  He tries not to associate with her but when he has to he tries to be extremely patient with her, for fear that if he isn’t, there will be consequences.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You may feel at a disadvantage, and in some ways you are.  But in some ways, you run circles around all the other tributes here.  Remember that.

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