Saturday, January 23, 2016

Abner Sheraga, District 5 Mentor: Hamilton

Made by Josephm611
Name: Abner Sheraga (Both words are related to light)
Age: 47
Games they won: 51st
Appearance: As in the picture.
Personality: Suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder (aka Multiple Personality Disorder). In his games, he couldn't bring himself to kill, so he called himself Lucifer when he killed, to try to convince himself that the one killing wasn't really him. When he's normal, he's serious, a little creepy, and quiet, though he will give advice. When he's "Lucifer," he is still controlled, but he becomes a lot meaner, more violent, and loud. He wouldn't hesitate to kill an Avox or a Capitolite when he's Lucifer.
Strategy for mentoring: He wants to prepare his tributes mentally for the fact that they may have to kill and become murderers. 
Relation to tribute: He doesn't want to get to attached to them, and he does a pretty good job.
Opinion on being a Victor: He sometimes wishes he were dead (normal), but when he's Lucifer, it's almost as if he's still in the arena.
Opinion on the Capitol: Most of the people there don't really seem like people to him. He sees them more like animals.
Opinion of escort: Just Ugh. He's often barely able to keep from killing her.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: "The most important thing is to prepare yourself for killing." He believes that his tributes are smart and clever, but the only reason they die us because they aren't prepared mentally.

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