Monday, January 18, 2016

Allocen Barque, District 6 Mentor: Amari

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Allocen Barque

District: 6

Age: 31

Games they won: 71st Games

Appearance: Allocen is a tall man(about six feet two inches) with ginger hair that's slicked back. His eyes are brown and beady, and black rectangular glasses sit on the bridge of his nose, which is pointed and thin. The rest of his face is in a long oval shape and his chin is rounded, not protruding much. His usual manner of dress includes a black button-up dress shirt, which is neatly tucked into a belt that holds up his black slacks.

Personality: Allocen is a charming, cunning, and extremely intelligent and persuasive individual. He won his Games purely on that cunning and intelligence -- he convinced all the tributes to kill each other, and then the last tribute to take their own life. Allocen never had to lift a finger to cause damage in the Games, which is what he prefers, to not get his hands dirty. Rather than to be participating, he prefers to sit back and watch all the chaos. He speaks in a precise, exact, and concise matter, making the phrase 'words have power' ten times more real. He is and know he is more intelligent than others, not displaying it in a haughty way but formally, elegantly, and truthfully. "I'm simply more intelligent that you, and that's a fact that I will prove however many more times it need be proven." He revels in the ease in which he can manipulate others, and could convince the happiest person in the world to kill themselves if he so desired. He could prove a powerful asset for rebels, which is why the Capitol was worried about him after he won his Games, but fortunately for them, Allocen doesn't take sides. He'd never ally with the districts nor turn against them; as mentioned above, he prefers to sit back and watch. He enjoys the Games, because watching them every year and being the mentor he gets to influence the Games a bit every year.

Strategy for mentoring: Teach the tribute to hone their strengths, become extremely good in the skills they have a chance of winning with. If the tribute has almost no chance of winning, Allocen will blatantly tell them so and then proceed to make the most out of the tribute he locen is realistic and honest with the tribute. He cares not a single bit about the tribute's feelings.

Relation to tribute: Strictly teaching them, like an educator to a pupil. Never gets to know the tribute on a personal level, just does his job(and extremely well, I may add). Some tributes may dislike him for his cold and emotionless opinion to the Games and not caring much about whether the tribute lives or dies.

Opinion on being a Victor: Allocen loved his Games, he recalls them like a fond memory. He enjoys being a mentor and some of the tributes dislike him for his twisted view on it.

Opinion on the Capitol: He doesn't care either way, but he thanks them a little for providing him something to do as a mentor and for putting on the Games each year. 

Opinion of escort: Depending on the escort. Going with the stereotypical escort, he will probably think they're silly, stupid, and frivolous, ignoring them and avoiding them as much as possible.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "It's kill or be killed. The strong survive, the weak will die." He trains the tribute to be strong, to not let their guard down, and focuses a bit on survival skills and more on skills to be used against the other tributes.

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