Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sunnoria Amaranth, District 9 Mentor: Karima

Made by Skyflapple

Name: Sunnoria Amaranth
Gender: Female
District: 9
Age: 39
Games they won: 62nd Hunger Games
Appearance: Dark skin and grey eyes. Long, frizzy, dark hair. Tall.
Personality: Friendly, caring, kind.
Strategy for mentoring: Kindness towards the tribute, avoid arguments with other mentor when possible.
Relation to tribute: Friends with tributes. She genuinely cares about them.
Opinion on being a Victor: tired but relieved that she is safe from the games. Still has nightmares from her games.
Opinion on the Capitol: Stupid, cruel people but she keeps her opinions to herself.
Opinion of escort: Shallow, "how did they ever amount to anything?"
Philosophy/Winning Advice: Grab a backpack at the Bloodbath but then get out of there.

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