Monday, January 4, 2016

Donavan Osten, D11 Mentor: Edgard

Made by hopefuldreamer1991
Name: Donavan Osten

Age: 61

Games they won: 39th

Appearance: Strong, blond, and athletic.  His blonde hair has been balding.

Personality: Overwhelmed by his sister's death in the 36th games, Donavan secretly trained to avenge her at 16 years old. Strong, blonde,and athletic, he became a rare D11 volunteer, and the second Osten sibling to do so. He and Krissa had a typical brother sister relationship, close but they playfully bickered often. After she failed to win after giving D11 hope for a Victor (based on her performance in the games-obviously I don't know how far she'll go right now, but this is based on what Yin felt on his visit), this hurt Donavan deeply, especially after the way she took care of him following him being publically whipped for eating an apple off of the tree he planted. He trained and killed ruthlessly to win his games, even using a handmade explosive to wipe out most of the career pack. He had a close relationship with his family, grandkids, and nieces and nephews (as well as his great ones). He holds a special place in his heart for Maddie's daughter Krissa, as well as Krissa's children. 
Strategy for mentoring: Mentored every other year since he became a Victor. Rotates with Seeder and Chaff.  He spends the time teaching surviving skills, compassion towards others, as well as methods for training with weapons.

Relation to tribute: Takes pride in them and wants to see them succeed.

Opinion on being a Victor: In the years following his games, he became overwhelmed with guilt, knowing that Krissa would have never became a monster in the arena. Just for the heck of it, a good working relationship with Haymitch.

Opinion on the Capitol:  The Capitol? Yeah he hates it...

Opinion of escort: Doesn’t want to hate them, but can’t help feeling bitter.  Tries to get along with her and does better than Chaff because he doesn’t like to start conflicts.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: “Stay true to yourself.  Don’t make a mistake like I did.” 

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