Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Aleah May Meyers, District 10 Mentor: Rachel

Made by xxPeppermint109xx

Aleah May Meyers

32 years old

Games they won:
The 69th annual Hunger Games

(Face claim of Scarlett Johansson)
Aleah has fair skin, with no beauty marks or scars to show. Her shoulder-length hair is always curled and has a brilliant blonde color to it. Her eyes are a nice hazel color, green surrounding the pupil at times if you look closely. Her eyebrows are a soft brown color, and are a little straight. Her lips are large, her bottom lip being a little bigger. They almost always have a pink hue to them. She's got a little bit of prominence to her cheekbones and has a heart-shaped face. 
Aleah is 5'3" and weighs around 120 pounds in muscle weight.

Aleah is a bit standoffish at first, due to being depressed. She watches kids, she grows to care about, go and die in front of her eyes, leading to a sort of depressed state. She hasn't seen a victor in 10 since she won and before that…it was only another girl and Zander. Aleah, when not focusing on the games, is smart, and intelligent. She's quick-witted (which led to her victory in her games) and sharp with her tongue. She's so serious sometimes, you can't tell if she's mad or happy. She comes off as a bitch to a lot of people, as she doesn't like getting close to those she mentors or knows. It just means she'll watch another of her mentees die the same death her previous ones did.

Strategy for mentoring:
Aleah is fierce with her mentoring, telling her tribute to look for a good alliance. She encourages allying with another tribute of an outlier district so that they can use them until not needed anymore. She tells them to smile, to pretend as much as possible. She is unforgiving in her mentoring abilities, getting annoyed quickly if you don't follow her orders. But once your in the arena, she will fight for your life.

Relation to tribute:
Aleah has no blood relation to the tributes (as her only blood relation is to her son who she got confirmation from Snow years back that her son would not be reaped ever) nor does she really know them. But once she meets them, she pushes them away in a relationship sense and goes straight to business. She is a bit cold to her mentee and only truly shows her colors when it's time to enter the arena saying her famous quote (located down below).

Opinion on being a Victor:
She actually quite enjoys it. She didn't really like any of the tributes she fought against, so no guilt eats away at her soul and mind. She uses the money she gets to help her district, saving some for herself of course. She likes that she gets to live in Victor's Village, where its quiet and peaceful. It brings her joy to help her district and to live a newly quiet and peaceful life.

Opinion on the Capitol:
Aleah is so-so on the Capitol. While she hates the games, she can only blame the Presidents; president snow holding her resentment. She can't blame the Capitol itself really, as those are people who are too dumb to realize anything. So she doesn't hate THE Capitol, just the Presidents and Government.

Opinion of escort:
Aleah loves the escorts, loving how oblivious they really are. She doesn't care if you're annoying or weird, she loves your personality usually. She wishes she could be like that again, ignorant and oblivious to the troubles and issues of Panem and only focus on her hair and makeup (even though she does do that to an extent). She's usually very friendly to the district escort and almost always engages in conversation with them.

Philosophy/Winning Advice:
Aleah has one quote of advice to every tribute she has every mentored:
"Get out of there fast, ally yourself fast, train fast, work fast, and whatever you do…DO NOT trust fast."

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