Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Zander Smith, District 10 Mentor: Raoul

Made by W. R. Winters
Name: Zander Smith

Age: 68

Games they won: 40th

Appearance: He has a very tall form that is beginning to become a little bony and perhaps frail. His skin is tan from several years as a ranch worker. His peppered black hair is beginning to go grey, his hair is slicked back with gel and tucked behind his ears he also has a thick beard that is peppered black as well. His jade green eyes are old, hardened and slightly sunken. His face is old and wrinkled and his most prominent feature is his brow giving him a natural glare. His most distracting feature is the fact that he doesn't have a right eye. The injured socket is covered by an eyepatch.

Personality: He's very gruff, blunt, and rather stern. He gives off a vibe that you better do what he says. He almost radiates intimidation and isn't afraid to exert it. He has a massive smoking problem. You can always see him smoking an expensive cigar. Because of this he has a condition that makes it so that he can speak or yell too much or he'll start coughing. His voice is as gruff as he is

Strategy for mentoring: to be harsh at first to test their character, but when he sees what they can do he'll tell them their strengths, he won't say their weaknesses because he feels that they should already know them or learn for themselves.

Relation to tribute: They aren't friends, how they would treat each other would be similar to how a military commander treats a newbie.

Opinion on being a Victor: he thinks it's the life of a luxury, but there are times where he feels like it can be too much.

Opinion on the Capitol: He doesn't hate them, but they're not his biggest fan either, he think the only thing he owes them is a thanks for the cigars

Opinion of escort: he can't stand to be within five feet of her, which is interesting considering she's his only granddaughter

Philosophy/Winning Advice: Be mindful of your surroundings, keep an eye out. I didn't at first, look where that got me.

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