Sunday, January 31, 2016

Donovan Benoit, District 4 Mentor: Collin

Made By LokiThisIsMadness
Name: Donovan Benoit

Age: 23

Games they won: 77th Hunger Games

Appearance: Donovan is tall and lean, with a muscular form. He has got darkish hair and light blue eyes. He isn't that tanned, due to spending a lot of time in doors, but he isn't very pale either. Donovan doesn't dress with complicated clothes, he usually just settles for a t-shirt, some jeans and his boots for the Academy. He isn't someone that is able to be serious for too long, he prefers to walk around with a smile on his face, since he thinks that it will probably help him have a better day.

Personality: Donovan is as stubborn as anyone can get. The boy will never change his mind or course of action, despite pressure to do so. He thinks that he has the right of keeping his own ideas and thoughts, no matter what the others think. He is very stubborn and will follow his way of thinking into the grave, if he has to. Same with any idea. He never, ever gives up. It was his own idea, so why not follow it? He will stick with his plans, and even if it doesn't work out, he will keep trying until it works or he realizes that it's completely impossible. He can be considered as a frivolous person, since Donovan is almost never serious in anything that he says or does. He doesn't take anything serious, either, even insults that come from other people, even people that he cares about. Of course, that is a bit of lie, since it is impossible for him not to take everything seriously. There are some thing that he can't just ignore, and somethings that he'll have to fight back against, no matter what the consequences. Someone once told him to always act a little better than what he truly was, so that's what Donovan does, even if the face that he puts up is not what he is usually feeling. He knows that a smile every day can make the difference, and that's part of why he acts like he does, because he knows that his personality might give someone a good opportunity to laugh, whenever they want. Deep down, he's scared. He's scared that he doesn't have it in him to be enough, or to even be a good father to his unborn child, but he knows he has to try. He has to find that courage, but deep down, he's not sure if he'll be able to do it. Having come in and out of the Games made Donovan realize how much his life mattered and since then, he has done evrything in his power to keep it. It's precious, and only going to to the Games made him realize that it could all end in one second, which made him fight or it even harder and do everything while he still could, and while it wasn't too late. Basically, what comes up of Donovan's mouth doesn't have a filter. He can say literally anything else and talk about anything else, because he likes to please people, so he'll just go down and talk about anything that they wanna talk about. Since he was raised in a small house, Donovan literally has no sense of shame or embarrasement. He used to ran around naked with his brother when was a younger kid, so he literally lost any sense of shame that he used to have. Donovan tries to hide his insecurities most of the times, behind his brazen personality and whatever he does, but he doesn't have much sucess, much of the times. He just drows his sorrows in drinking and sex ( girls and most of the times, even other boys) and tries not to think about it everyday. He tries to help people but most times, he is only doing it because he wants something from them too. Donovan only does things for himself and not for anyone else, even if that might seem like it manipulates people for his own good, and his personality is only what he uses to make sure that they trust him enough or his manipulation won't work. He doesn't care if an act is morally right or wrong, he'll just do it and then face the consequences with his head held up high. He is a clingy person to those that he loves, like he doesn't do it on purpose but once he really starts to like someone, he'll become very clingy around them and usually be by their side. Not always, though, he isn't that much of annoying person and he knows when people start to think that he is annoying and he'll back of by then. He knows that when it's enough, it's enough and that he needs to stop. When he was younger, particulary after he left the Games, Donovan didn't know when to stop. He liked to annoy people, or to make them laugh, depending on his mood. Growing up, and being a father to be, made him grow up ans realize when he needed to stop. However, he still likes a little joke from time to time, even more if it makes someone laugh. There might be something behind, Donovan being as manipulative as he is, but there are still a few people that he only wants to make laugh.

Strategy for mentoring: He plans on letting his tributes know exactly what they're in for. He believes that those mentors who don't tell their tributes what the arena is, and what they will face after they win, are not being real mentors. The tributes deserved to know what they will face after they win, but most of all, they deserved to know what they will face in the arena. He's supportive of every choice they make, if he agrees with it, and gives them the best advice that he can think of. Once they are in the arena, Donovan is no person to waste sponsor money. He knows that every single bit is needed for the future, so he'll save it, and hope that his tributes can hold on until he can send them what they really need.

Relation to tribute: He doesn't get to attached to them, since he knows that it's more than likely that they will die, but he's still human. He trained them, and watched them grow from children to warriors, and it won't hurt any less when they die. With each passing year, it gets better, but not much.

Opinion on being a Victor: Once he managed to volunteer, and once he got to the Games, Donovan's way of looking at life changed completely. He realized that he hadn't done half of what he wanted to do and if he died right there, he would have know what those things would feel like. The Games changed him, yes, but Donovan would like to think that it was for the best. When he was there, he realized how much it he wanted to life, and the big mistake that he had made. The Games weren't worth his life, not really, that was all bullshit. He realized that he wasn't willing to give up his life for someone that wasn't himself, and that was what made him get to the end. The way he wanted lto live made him stronger, because he wasn't willing to die before he had tasted everything that life had to offer. He realized how much his life meant to him, and that if he didn't make the mostout of every second that he had, then it would have all been in vain.

Opinion on the Capitol: Donovan, like every other young male Career, used to love the Capitol and what it stood for. Glory, happiness, and the feeling of finally having everything that he ever wanted. But once he stepped foot on that arena, once he had to kill for the first time, Donovan saw that it was all a lie. There was no happiness in killing, and he was the one that would have to live with it, for the rest of his life. He has no love for them, but for the sake of his wife and unborn child, he keeps in line, and does everything that the President requests him to. Still, Donovan hopes that one day, it will change.

Opinion of escort: Annoying. Donovan knows that they're necessary, to get sponsors and to help his tributes through the Capitol, but he can't help it but hate them. People like his escort were the ones that bought him, every night, and threatened to hurt his family if he didn't do what he wanted. He has no love for the Capitol people, so at the best side, he tolerates them.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: He signed up as a trainer in the Academy, as most Victors did, and dedicated his time to training children that wanted to be Victors. However, before accepting to train them, Donovan always made sure that they knew what they were giving up and what would be at stake if they didn't win. He didn't want people to make the same mistake that he did, and come as close to losing their life as he was.

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