Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jute Silk, District 8 Mentor: Male Tribute

Created by Programming
Name: Jute Silk

District: 8

Age: Won at 16, is now 30

Games they won: 67

Appearance: Jute is a handsome older man, graying only at the ears and leaving the rest of his dark, wavy brown hair luscious and full. He has dull blue eyes, but they are wide and full of emotion, which makes them interesting. His nose is short and is slightly twisted from breaking his nose in the Games. He has a clean amount of scruff and his lips are thin and a dark, natural pink, hiding sparkling white teeth, straightened by the Capitol. He has certainly grown into his weight since the Games, going from a tall, slightly chubby boy to a muscled man over the years. His skin is a light, caramel brown, and the first thing that anything notices about Jute is the fact that his left hand is missing, another sacrifice to the Games. Other than that, he is a normal-looking man, tall and muscular like a male victor should be. Jute is never seen out of his colorful suits, which are always made by his favorite suit-maker in District 8, except for during the Games, which he wears all black suits.

Personality: Jute has not let his victor status change who he is around other people. He's always been a kind, happy-go-lucky man who gets along with kids very well and has become a fatherly figure more than the brotherly figure he was as a kid. He always looks on the bright side, and tries his best to remain positive around his fellow victors and the district itself. He is a selfless person, buying Reaping dresses and suits for children who can't afford it, and helping clothing makers deliver to elderly and handicapped people. He came from the slums of District 8, and he vowed that, if he could win the Games, he would bring prosperity to the slums, and help out as many people as he can. Under this optimistic facade is a boy, terrified of the Capitol and its deathly grip on him. He has constant, almost every day, nightmares of his time in the Games and the children he killed. He was close to death when he claimed the victory and has been scared of even the smallest confrontation since. He is definitely the wimp between him and his fellow mentor, opting for peaceful conversation more than radical arguments or outright violence.

Strategy for mentoring: Make the kids feel as comfortable and confident as possible. It's hard to work with scared kids, so he first tries a few jokes or polite small talk, to try and get the kids to trust him. He's the father figure of District 8, and he uses that to his advantage, to help these kids like a father would. He often gets too attached, although his mentoring partner tries to keep him from doing so. He just can't help it, to help them become better, he has to know them and understand their strengths, and fight for them to have sponsors and survive further.

Relation to tribute: Maybe he bought a dress or suit for one of them, maybe one of them is his niece or nephew (I'd really like that). He'd probably become really close with the tributes, just because it's in his nature. But this year might be worse, because his wife is pregnant, and he can imagine his kid being reaped and feel for the tribute and their family. He'd work even harder to bring them home because it is what he would want for his kid.

Opinion on being a Victor: Being a victor has allowed him to do more for District 8 than he ever could as a kid from the slums. He's used this position to create a sense of prosperity in the district. Though there are still people that didn't want him to come home, supporters of his district partner, or the old-fashioned district citizens that see victors that kill offensively as traitors. Jute has done the best he can with the strain of the Capitol and people who want him dead, but as he's always optimistic, he does everything he can to make District 8 better.

Opinion on the Capitol: He's never liked the Capitol, but keeps his opinions to himself. This is the only subject that can get him truly angry, talking about the Capitol. They have a deadly grip on Panem and will always have control. They manipulate, discriminate, and overall, enjoy that twenty-four children fight to the death until one is alive. Jute sees the Capitol as heartless and cold, and tries to stay out of it as much as possible.

Opinion of escort: He keeps the motto, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Although he's learn to get along with the escort, the escort definitely isn't his favorite person. He finds it hard to get along with anyone that approves of the Games. They don't talk much at all, along with they have to, but escort loves to talk to him. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "If you repeat to yourself, 'I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home', there's no one that can stop you from coming home. You bring yourself home."

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