Sunday, January 31, 2016

Annie Cresta, District 4 Mentor: Serafina Anya

Made by Suzanne Collins

Name: Annie Cresta
Age: Early 30s
Games they won: 70th
Appearance: Flowing brown hair and sea-green eyes, was once lovely and still looks well, though slightly worn-down.
Personality: Though Annie has flashbacks of her time in the Games, she is still determined and powerful and will get her tribute out no matter what it takes.  She is strong even if she’s thrown to the side as not a threat.  She will do her very best and actually has some good advice to offer.  Would let her tribute pick their own angles and figure out how to best survive in the Games.  Trusts their intuition, and tries her best to get sponsors for them.
Strategy for mentoring: Depends heavily on time talking to Finnick and also on her tribute, escort, and fellow mentor for stability.  Compassionate and kind, going to do her best even if she sometimes has bad memories.
Relation to tribute: Would get to know them even though she knows she won’t be able to save them from death.  Would have a chat with them about what they want and how they work best.
Opinion on being a Victor: Hates it.  Depends on Finnick for strength, but recently the Capitol has barred their relationship so much she’s starting to panic losing his love for good.
Opinion on the Capitol: Very, very afraid of it but obedient to its power.  Can’t fight her fate.  Keeps quiet and continues to play their Games.
Opinion of escort: She knows that Hydra means well, and he always tries his best to make sure they’re accommodated for, which she’s thankful.  Doesn’t hate him just because he’s a Capitolite, took time to get to know him.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You’re a strong volunteer.  You can do it.  Don’t give up on it. 

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