Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hyacinth Vanilla, District 5 Escort

Made by Lady Lysa Arryn

Name: Hyacinth Vanilla 

Age: 30

Have been escorting since: 70th Hunger Games

Appearance: She has long black hair ,dark skin and brown eyes. She is tall 5"10 and thin. She angular features and is looks like she has little body altercations. She wears a lot of make up however. Burgundy lipstick and black eye shadow is the most common mixed with mascara and foundation.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): A woman of simple and refined tastes. She always has her long black hair pulled tight back in a high ponytail and wears signature black eye shadow. For the reaping she wears a tight black dress, pearls around her neck and black silk gloves. (Audrey Hepburn breakfast at tiffany's kind of thing)

Personality: Hyacinth is prude, shrewd woman. She knows what she likes and is not afraid to threaten people and use force to motivate people. She doesn't take no for an answer and will glad at people who ignore her. She is a very obedient person and if someone of a higher power tells her to do something she'll do it no matter the consequences. She makes sure her tributes are ready for the stage and won't let them get away with anything.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Five is to her is a perfect district though she wants Four, Seven or Nine for their natural beauty. She knows the people here aren't as poor as most other places and feels it shows. She also thinks at times it looks like a cesspit 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She acts like an overbearing mother towards her tributes. She keeps them in check and makes sure she knows where each of her tributes is at all times. She keeps a tabs on what they eat and won't let them watch certain television shows she either deems too violent or the humour too crude.

How do they treat the mentors?: She respects the mentors but makes sure that they know she holds just as much authority as they do. She tries to make the mentors help their tributes in any way they can as if she doesn't she feels she isn't doing her job.

Pet Peeves: She hates when people talk she their mouths are full. Another of her pet peeves is not knowing how to use a fork and knife.

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