Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cobra Richie, District 7 Escort

Made by HogwartsDreamer113
Name: Cobra Richie 

Age: 29

District they're escorting for: Whatever would be the most fun. :) Seven could work, as Adler would give them a lot of shit, but really anywhere you think would be fun. 

Have been escorting since: 76

Appearance: Cobra is agender, designated female at birth. People have try to guess what gender they are, and never can be sure. Cobra is Asian in ethnicity, and naturally has tan skin, black spiky hair and brown eyes. Cobra is obsessed with their weight, and as a result is very lean. 

Style: Cobra has had their eyes altered to look like cat's eyes. They also wear contacts, causing their eyes to vary between golden yellow, bright green, sky blue, red, and lavender depending on the day. The tips of their hair is dyed red. 

Personality: Cobra is uptight and haughty. They are very snobby, feeling above not only the districts, but also above many other escorts. They have a temper, and always are accusing people of judging them. Cobra hates being misgendered, and will be rude to anyone who makes a mistake of calling them she or he. It's they and them. Nothing else. Cobra will throw a fit if they hear the wrong pronoun in reference to them. However, Cobra is extremely hypocritical, and never bothers to ask anyone else their preferred pronouns. The only reason Cobra became an escort was so that they could be on tv and brag that they met celebrities. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: They are beneath them. 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: Like animals.

How do they treat the mentors?: Not much better. Cobra demands respect from the mentors, but refuses to give it in return. 

Pet Peeves: Being called the wrong gender, nail biting, people chewing with their mouths open.

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