Monday, January 18, 2016

Demetria Dawn, District 6 Escort

Name: Demetria Dawn

Age: 22

District they're escorting for: 6

Have been escorting since: She's been escorting since she was 19, so 3 years.

Appearance: Demetria is pretty much an all-in-one. She's big and bold, but is more simple than some other districts. Her hair is dyed black and white to stand for the racing flags. She has tattoos up and down her arms. Her face is heavily coated in makeup at all times.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Demetria is big and bold, but not overly so. Her hair is half black, half white, like Cruella Deville. She has a black tire perched on the white side of her hair, to signify 6's purpose, transportation. Her dress is a deep red, and she has very high high heels. Her hair is slightly curly, but not like Effie's.

Personality: Demetria has her on and off days. Sometimes she is really sweet and caring, and others she is cold and cruel. She acts all bubbly, but really, she is kind of dark. She loves death more than the average Capitolite, yet she still acts all caring to her tributes.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Filth. Complete and utter filth. She'll act like she cares for them, but really, nah.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them very kindly, but deep, deep, down, her heart is full of hatred for them.

How do they treat the mentors?: More like people, and she generally likes them more.

Pet Peeves: Demetria gets very annoyed whenever someone or something does something wrong. She also hates it when people ask stupid questions, and being relied on. She's an escort for the money, not to be a babysitter.

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