Sunday, January 17, 2016

Heather Pierce, District 7 Mentor: Briella

Made By We're All Okay
Name: Heather Pierce               

District: 7

Age: 33

Games they won: 66th

Appearance: Heather is considered one of the prettier Victors, with wavy blonde hair and dark green eyes. Her skin is tanned, and a scar cuts across her torso from a wound. She stands at around 5'6", and has a lean build.

Personality: Heather is a controlling, manipulative person. She loves being on the top, which is what gave her her drive to fight in her Games in the first place. Though she's lost her taste for blood, she's energetic, outgoing, and a sucker for action. She's got street smarts for days, and can easily talk her way out of any situation that isn't optimal. Despite her energetic attitude, she's a bit of a nihilist, believing that since she's done it all (won the Games, became a star), she has nothing left to fight for, the only exception being a Tribute she grows very close to.

Strategy for mentoring: She's a bit strict, though she makes sure to emphasize that it's the Tribute's choices in the end that get them killed or help them survive, not her advice.

Relation to tribute: Depends on who they are. If her Tribute is an ass, she'll probably be an ass back. But if they're nice, she might warm up to them a little and help them out, while maintaining her usual strict attitude.

Opinion on being a Victor: Heather loves it all; the fame, the glory, the fact that everyone in Panem knows her name. She does think it's gotten old, though, and is sick of the attention. She sort of just goes through the motions of her duties as Victor now.

Opinion on the Capitol: Oh, Heather hates them, though she has a small respect for them due to them giving her her fame.

Opinion of escort: Heather hates the Capitol, so she hates the Escort by extension. She picks fights with them constantly.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "You know, the weapon skills don't always save you. It's the brains that really matter in the end. If you can think quickly, you can work your way out of any situation, and to the Victor's circle."

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