Thursday, January 7, 2016

James Rhodes, District 9 Escort

Name: James Rhodes

Age: 32

Have been escorting since: James has been escorting for twelve years.

Appearance/Style: James is a tall, dark-skinned man with red eyes(contacts, naturally they're brown), long eyelashes, and a smirk that can send chills up your spine. His hair is dark and close-cut save for one long wavy red(dyed) strand that cascades down his back. His outfit consists of a grey suit, black tie and neatly polished black shoes. His fingernails are neatly filed in ovals and his overall appearance gives him the look of a devil/demon. He'll occasionally be seen smoking a cigarette.

Personality: James is a very arrogant person, has a higher opinion of himself than anything else and supports the Capitol in all their screwed-up ways, including and especially the bloodlust for the Games. He is very passive and dismissive of people who are of a lower social or economical status than his, including and especially people from the Districts. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: He has a less-than adequate opinion of District Nine -- he'd much rather be escorting for a district like One or Two(but heaven forbid he ever escort for Eleven or Twelve). He looks down on the people from District Nine, thinking them just to be poor and worthless. The tributes usually have little to no chance of winning, so he normally doesn't give them much thought or time unless they somehow prove to him that they're worth paying attention to.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: More like animals. He figures the tributes are going to die anyways.

How do they treat the mentors?: He is very curt to the mentors, keeping interaction with them to a minimum. He doesn't dislike them but he doesn't like them either.

Pet Peeves: He hates the tributes' ignorance as to what some Capitol things are, like how they don't know what some things are called or what some things do.

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