Saturday, January 23, 2016

Deborah Sullivan, District 5 Mentor: Cory

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Deborah Sullivan

Age: 23

Games they won: 79th Games

Appearance: Short blonde hair, light blue eyes. Fair skin. Height is around 5'9". Often wears a plain black jacket and cargo pants, but for formal occasions a short sleeved green dress that nearly reaches the floor.

Personality: Deborah is a very serious, analytical person who prefers to start mentoring her tribute right away. She wants to get them prepared for the Games as best she can. Before her Games, Deborah used to be an extremely happy, optimistic girl, but her Games changed her like it has done many other Victors. Post traumatic stress disorder haunts her, and she tries to cope with it by facing it each year, mentoring one of the tributes from her district. Deborah tends to avoid frivolous or unnecessary things, and tries to detach herself from all emotion. Every tribute she mentors has somehow worked their way into her, tearing her heart apart when they die in their Games. Deborah has always tried to prevent getting attached to the tribute she has been assigned but that's always failed. Deborah's emotionless front, in her opinion, is what protects her, when in reality, getting attached when she thinks she's not is breaking her heart even more.

Strategy for mentoring: Deborah hardly stops to even breathe when mentoring her tribute, tackling things head-on and avoiding irrelevant discussion. She tries to see the strong points in every tribute, and teach them how to use those strong points to their advantage and hone them to their best. She takes the weak points and tries to eradicate them. If the tribute has too little potential to win, Deborah will like them less and less but will continue to help them however little their chance of winning may be.

Relation to tribute: Deborah normally gets very attached to her assigned tribute -- even when she thinks she's not or tries not to be. She normally gets to know them well and is very honest with them in trying to train and prepare them for the arena.

Opinion on being a Victor: Sometimes Deborah wishes she had died in that Arena. She thinks that winning is a curse, being forced to revisit the Games every year as a mentor. But she is also the tiniest bit grateful, as she can at least try and help the tribute she's been assigned to win.

Opinion on the Capitol: She doesn't like the Capitol one bit -- the Games killed her younger sister, Sarah. But Deborah knows there's nothing she can do about it except prepare the tribute from her District to not die.

Opinion of escort: Deborah's opinion of the various escorts she's seen depends. She might feel jealous of them if they're blissfully ignorant of the Capitol's cruelty, and feel a burning hatred for them if they're a bloodthirsty Capitolite, like most escorts she's seen. It all depends on the escort themselves.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: Winning advice is to play it defensively, survive and only attack the others if you are provoked or if you have to. Best to run away from the Cornucopia or to get something strewn around the edges, a backpack or something so that they're helped a little in terms of supplies -- never to go into the cornucopia itself. She advises them to not ally. She advises them to go solo, to keep away from the other tributes to avoid getting killed. Before the Arena she advises them to play some sort of story to the Capitol audiences- it will get them more sponsors. Be someone who A) Can survive and will be a contender in the Games, B) The Capitol will love and get showered with sponsors.

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