Monday, January 4, 2016

Chaff Durant, District 11 Mentor: Martina

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Chaff Durant

Age: 57

Games they won: 45th

Appearance: Tall and strong built with dark skin and short, dark hair.  Has brown eyes often bloodshot because of his drunkenness.  Looking older and older with each coming day, he’s really tall and has a stump from where his hand was cut off in the Games and refused a new one.

Personality: Chaff is often drunk and is a large personality, he gets angry exceptionally easily.  He is done with the Capitol and wants to have his own way.  He’s very assertive and not afraid to get what he wants, as well as knowing how to get it.  He can sometimes be violent but only in defense.  He makes jokes that are sometimes seen as inappropriate for the feeling of the situation. 

Strategy for mentoring: He’s been at this for many years now and has very rarely been successful.  He is sick of the Capitol taking tributes just to kill them but is too scared to say anything.

Relation to tribute: Both tributes would definitely be afraid of him, but Chaff has a soft side and genuinely and truly cares about them, even after all these years, and at least tries to be clean even if he’s succeeding less and less.

Opinion on being a Victor: Tired of it but can’t do anything to change it.  Will keep playing along until he’s old enough to retire and die, but wants a younger, more powerful Victor to take over before that happens.

Opinion on the Capitol: Hates them and is pretty forward about it to the escort, though never anything enough to get them angry at him.

Opinion of escort: Hates her and makes it known.  Wants to take the reigns on mentoring his tribute. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: “You’re older.  You’re strong.  Your home needs it.  Your family needs it.  You need it.” 

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