Sunday, December 27, 2015

Effie Trinket, D12 Escort

Made by Suzanne Collins

Name: Effie Trinket
Age: 40’s
Have been escorting since: 60th or so
Appearance: Has pale, powdered skin and loves the color pink.  Wears a pink wig and dramatic Capitol make-up.  Very artificial.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Pink is her favorite color but she’s not afraid to venture into other colors.  She loves to be in-style and being out of the times is her worst nightmare.  Effie loves gold and wears a lot of expensive jewelry. 
Personality: Effie is very posh and is a stickler for proper etiquette.  She absolutely hates being late and tries to have faith in her tributes.  She is often seen as a nag, but always tries to see the bright side.  She may not be the most intelligent but is pretty average for a Capitolite. She likes shiny things and never gives up hope that District 12 may see another Victor, and wants to be escorting when it happens.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: It’s such a dark and dreary place, but she is trying to not give up faith in it.  She wants to be around when they get another Victor and is therefore unwilling to give up. 
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them kind of in the middle.  She is very hard on them and is sometimes very condescending to them.  However, in the long-run, she wants to see them succeed.  Though she is mostly interested in the fame and glory that comes with having a Victor, she still does treat them like people in the end.
How do they treat the mentors?: She often nags Haymitch to sober up and gets more and more frustrated as he gets worse and worse as the years go on.  Desperately wants another Victor, preferably one more agreeable than Haymitch.
Pet Peeves: Being late, bad manners, Sass/Negativity, Haymitch’s Drunkenness

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