Sunday, January 31, 2016

Hydra Ploughman, District 4 Escort

Made by Lady Lysa Arryn
Name: Hydra Ploughman 

Age: 38

Have been escorting since: 79th hunger games

Appearance: A bald round man with his hair, sideburns and moustache died blue. He has big red lips and little to no neck. He is severely overweight. He is rather small and to compensate for this he'll wear heels to make his stubby legs longer. 

Personality: An honest and generous man. Hydra will do what he can to help his tributes. He always puts them first and won't stop "trying" to help until they've won or died. Hydra can be snarky and sarcastic when he is pissed off (don't make fun of his weight) and is a witty man. While he may look and act like a bumbling idiot, hydra is far from stupid and knows how the game is played. Hydra above all uses his appearance as a disguise to make people think he is useless.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: He says he couldn't have been blessed with a better district. He loves four itself but he always expects too much out his tributes, especially if they're volunteers and 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: He treats them like first class citizens, while he adores the publicity they bring him, once their behind closed doors he will try and get involved in anything to do with them. Yes he'll usher them off to training and that but he won't lie to them, he can be brutally honest. He will however bend over back ways to promote them and improve the sponsorships.

How do they treat the mentors?: I will on occasion talk down to them as according to him the Capitol is superior and he is always right.

Pet Peeves: People who don't wait for everyone to sit down at the table for dinner and people who aren't up bright and early.

Annie Cresta, District 4 Mentor: Serafina Anya

Made by Suzanne Collins

Name: Annie Cresta
Age: Early 30s
Games they won: 70th
Appearance: Flowing brown hair and sea-green eyes, was once lovely and still looks well, though slightly worn-down.
Personality: Though Annie has flashbacks of her time in the Games, she is still determined and powerful and will get her tribute out no matter what it takes.  She is strong even if she’s thrown to the side as not a threat.  She will do her very best and actually has some good advice to offer.  Would let her tribute pick their own angles and figure out how to best survive in the Games.  Trusts their intuition, and tries her best to get sponsors for them.
Strategy for mentoring: Depends heavily on time talking to Finnick and also on her tribute, escort, and fellow mentor for stability.  Compassionate and kind, going to do her best even if she sometimes has bad memories.
Relation to tribute: Would get to know them even though she knows she won’t be able to save them from death.  Would have a chat with them about what they want and how they work best.
Opinion on being a Victor: Hates it.  Depends on Finnick for strength, but recently the Capitol has barred their relationship so much she’s starting to panic losing his love for good.
Opinion on the Capitol: Very, very afraid of it but obedient to its power.  Can’t fight her fate.  Keeps quiet and continues to play their Games.
Opinion of escort: She knows that Hydra means well, and he always tries his best to make sure they’re accommodated for, which she’s thankful.  Doesn’t hate him just because he’s a Capitolite, took time to get to know him.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You’re a strong volunteer.  You can do it.  Don’t give up on it. 

Donovan Benoit, District 4 Mentor: Collin

Made By LokiThisIsMadness
Name: Donovan Benoit

Age: 23

Games they won: 77th Hunger Games

Appearance: Donovan is tall and lean, with a muscular form. He has got darkish hair and light blue eyes. He isn't that tanned, due to spending a lot of time in doors, but he isn't very pale either. Donovan doesn't dress with complicated clothes, he usually just settles for a t-shirt, some jeans and his boots for the Academy. He isn't someone that is able to be serious for too long, he prefers to walk around with a smile on his face, since he thinks that it will probably help him have a better day.

Personality: Donovan is as stubborn as anyone can get. The boy will never change his mind or course of action, despite pressure to do so. He thinks that he has the right of keeping his own ideas and thoughts, no matter what the others think. He is very stubborn and will follow his way of thinking into the grave, if he has to. Same with any idea. He never, ever gives up. It was his own idea, so why not follow it? He will stick with his plans, and even if it doesn't work out, he will keep trying until it works or he realizes that it's completely impossible. He can be considered as a frivolous person, since Donovan is almost never serious in anything that he says or does. He doesn't take anything serious, either, even insults that come from other people, even people that he cares about. Of course, that is a bit of lie, since it is impossible for him not to take everything seriously. There are some thing that he can't just ignore, and somethings that he'll have to fight back against, no matter what the consequences. Someone once told him to always act a little better than what he truly was, so that's what Donovan does, even if the face that he puts up is not what he is usually feeling. He knows that a smile every day can make the difference, and that's part of why he acts like he does, because he knows that his personality might give someone a good opportunity to laugh, whenever they want. Deep down, he's scared. He's scared that he doesn't have it in him to be enough, or to even be a good father to his unborn child, but he knows he has to try. He has to find that courage, but deep down, he's not sure if he'll be able to do it. Having come in and out of the Games made Donovan realize how much his life mattered and since then, he has done evrything in his power to keep it. It's precious, and only going to to the Games made him realize that it could all end in one second, which made him fight or it even harder and do everything while he still could, and while it wasn't too late. Basically, what comes up of Donovan's mouth doesn't have a filter. He can say literally anything else and talk about anything else, because he likes to please people, so he'll just go down and talk about anything that they wanna talk about. Since he was raised in a small house, Donovan literally has no sense of shame or embarrasement. He used to ran around naked with his brother when was a younger kid, so he literally lost any sense of shame that he used to have. Donovan tries to hide his insecurities most of the times, behind his brazen personality and whatever he does, but he doesn't have much sucess, much of the times. He just drows his sorrows in drinking and sex ( girls and most of the times, even other boys) and tries not to think about it everyday. He tries to help people but most times, he is only doing it because he wants something from them too. Donovan only does things for himself and not for anyone else, even if that might seem like it manipulates people for his own good, and his personality is only what he uses to make sure that they trust him enough or his manipulation won't work. He doesn't care if an act is morally right or wrong, he'll just do it and then face the consequences with his head held up high. He is a clingy person to those that he loves, like he doesn't do it on purpose but once he really starts to like someone, he'll become very clingy around them and usually be by their side. Not always, though, he isn't that much of annoying person and he knows when people start to think that he is annoying and he'll back of by then. He knows that when it's enough, it's enough and that he needs to stop. When he was younger, particulary after he left the Games, Donovan didn't know when to stop. He liked to annoy people, or to make them laugh, depending on his mood. Growing up, and being a father to be, made him grow up ans realize when he needed to stop. However, he still likes a little joke from time to time, even more if it makes someone laugh. There might be something behind, Donovan being as manipulative as he is, but there are still a few people that he only wants to make laugh.

Strategy for mentoring: He plans on letting his tributes know exactly what they're in for. He believes that those mentors who don't tell their tributes what the arena is, and what they will face after they win, are not being real mentors. The tributes deserved to know what they will face after they win, but most of all, they deserved to know what they will face in the arena. He's supportive of every choice they make, if he agrees with it, and gives them the best advice that he can think of. Once they are in the arena, Donovan is no person to waste sponsor money. He knows that every single bit is needed for the future, so he'll save it, and hope that his tributes can hold on until he can send them what they really need.

Relation to tribute: He doesn't get to attached to them, since he knows that it's more than likely that they will die, but he's still human. He trained them, and watched them grow from children to warriors, and it won't hurt any less when they die. With each passing year, it gets better, but not much.

Opinion on being a Victor: Once he managed to volunteer, and once he got to the Games, Donovan's way of looking at life changed completely. He realized that he hadn't done half of what he wanted to do and if he died right there, he would have know what those things would feel like. The Games changed him, yes, but Donovan would like to think that it was for the best. When he was there, he realized how much it he wanted to life, and the big mistake that he had made. The Games weren't worth his life, not really, that was all bullshit. He realized that he wasn't willing to give up his life for someone that wasn't himself, and that was what made him get to the end. The way he wanted lto live made him stronger, because he wasn't willing to die before he had tasted everything that life had to offer. He realized how much his life meant to him, and that if he didn't make the mostout of every second that he had, then it would have all been in vain.

Opinion on the Capitol: Donovan, like every other young male Career, used to love the Capitol and what it stood for. Glory, happiness, and the feeling of finally having everything that he ever wanted. But once he stepped foot on that arena, once he had to kill for the first time, Donovan saw that it was all a lie. There was no happiness in killing, and he was the one that would have to live with it, for the rest of his life. He has no love for them, but for the sake of his wife and unborn child, he keeps in line, and does everything that the President requests him to. Still, Donovan hopes that one day, it will change.

Opinion of escort: Annoying. Donovan knows that they're necessary, to get sponsors and to help his tributes through the Capitol, but he can't help it but hate them. People like his escort were the ones that bought him, every night, and threatened to hurt his family if he didn't do what he wanted. He has no love for the Capitol people, so at the best side, he tolerates them.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: He signed up as a trainer in the Academy, as most Victors did, and dedicated his time to training children that wanted to be Victors. However, before accepting to train them, Donovan always made sure that they knew what they were giving up and what would be at stake if they didn't win. He didn't want people to make the same mistake that he did, and come as close to losing their life as he was.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hyacinth Vanilla, District 5 Escort

Made by Lady Lysa Arryn

Name: Hyacinth Vanilla 

Age: 30

Have been escorting since: 70th Hunger Games

Appearance: She has long black hair ,dark skin and brown eyes. She is tall 5"10 and thin. She angular features and is looks like she has little body altercations. She wears a lot of make up however. Burgundy lipstick and black eye shadow is the most common mixed with mascara and foundation.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): A woman of simple and refined tastes. She always has her long black hair pulled tight back in a high ponytail and wears signature black eye shadow. For the reaping she wears a tight black dress, pearls around her neck and black silk gloves. (Audrey Hepburn breakfast at tiffany's kind of thing)

Personality: Hyacinth is prude, shrewd woman. She knows what she likes and is not afraid to threaten people and use force to motivate people. She doesn't take no for an answer and will glad at people who ignore her. She is a very obedient person and if someone of a higher power tells her to do something she'll do it no matter the consequences. She makes sure her tributes are ready for the stage and won't let them get away with anything.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Five is to her is a perfect district though she wants Four, Seven or Nine for their natural beauty. She knows the people here aren't as poor as most other places and feels it shows. She also thinks at times it looks like a cesspit 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She acts like an overbearing mother towards her tributes. She keeps them in check and makes sure she knows where each of her tributes is at all times. She keeps a tabs on what they eat and won't let them watch certain television shows she either deems too violent or the humour too crude.

How do they treat the mentors?: She respects the mentors but makes sure that they know she holds just as much authority as they do. She tries to make the mentors help their tributes in any way they can as if she doesn't she feels she isn't doing her job.

Pet Peeves: She hates when people talk she their mouths are full. Another of her pet peeves is not knowing how to use a fork and knife.

Deborah Sullivan, District 5 Mentor: Cory

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Deborah Sullivan

Age: 23

Games they won: 79th Games

Appearance: Short blonde hair, light blue eyes. Fair skin. Height is around 5'9". Often wears a plain black jacket and cargo pants, but for formal occasions a short sleeved green dress that nearly reaches the floor.

Personality: Deborah is a very serious, analytical person who prefers to start mentoring her tribute right away. She wants to get them prepared for the Games as best she can. Before her Games, Deborah used to be an extremely happy, optimistic girl, but her Games changed her like it has done many other Victors. Post traumatic stress disorder haunts her, and she tries to cope with it by facing it each year, mentoring one of the tributes from her district. Deborah tends to avoid frivolous or unnecessary things, and tries to detach herself from all emotion. Every tribute she mentors has somehow worked their way into her, tearing her heart apart when they die in their Games. Deborah has always tried to prevent getting attached to the tribute she has been assigned but that's always failed. Deborah's emotionless front, in her opinion, is what protects her, when in reality, getting attached when she thinks she's not is breaking her heart even more.

Strategy for mentoring: Deborah hardly stops to even breathe when mentoring her tribute, tackling things head-on and avoiding irrelevant discussion. She tries to see the strong points in every tribute, and teach them how to use those strong points to their advantage and hone them to their best. She takes the weak points and tries to eradicate them. If the tribute has too little potential to win, Deborah will like them less and less but will continue to help them however little their chance of winning may be.

Relation to tribute: Deborah normally gets very attached to her assigned tribute -- even when she thinks she's not or tries not to be. She normally gets to know them well and is very honest with them in trying to train and prepare them for the arena.

Opinion on being a Victor: Sometimes Deborah wishes she had died in that Arena. She thinks that winning is a curse, being forced to revisit the Games every year as a mentor. But she is also the tiniest bit grateful, as she can at least try and help the tribute she's been assigned to win.

Opinion on the Capitol: She doesn't like the Capitol one bit -- the Games killed her younger sister, Sarah. But Deborah knows there's nothing she can do about it except prepare the tribute from her District to not die.

Opinion of escort: Deborah's opinion of the various escorts she's seen depends. She might feel jealous of them if they're blissfully ignorant of the Capitol's cruelty, and feel a burning hatred for them if they're a bloodthirsty Capitolite, like most escorts she's seen. It all depends on the escort themselves.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: Winning advice is to play it defensively, survive and only attack the others if you are provoked or if you have to. Best to run away from the Cornucopia or to get something strewn around the edges, a backpack or something so that they're helped a little in terms of supplies -- never to go into the cornucopia itself. She advises them to not ally. She advises them to go solo, to keep away from the other tributes to avoid getting killed. Before the Arena she advises them to play some sort of story to the Capitol audiences- it will get them more sponsors. Be someone who A) Can survive and will be a contender in the Games, B) The Capitol will love and get showered with sponsors.

Abner Sheraga, District 5 Mentor: Hamilton

Made by Josephm611
Name: Abner Sheraga (Both words are related to light)
Age: 47
Games they won: 51st
Appearance: As in the picture.
Personality: Suffers from Dissociative Personality Disorder (aka Multiple Personality Disorder). In his games, he couldn't bring himself to kill, so he called himself Lucifer when he killed, to try to convince himself that the one killing wasn't really him. When he's normal, he's serious, a little creepy, and quiet, though he will give advice. When he's "Lucifer," he is still controlled, but he becomes a lot meaner, more violent, and loud. He wouldn't hesitate to kill an Avox or a Capitolite when he's Lucifer.
Strategy for mentoring: He wants to prepare his tributes mentally for the fact that they may have to kill and become murderers. 
Relation to tribute: He doesn't want to get to attached to them, and he does a pretty good job.
Opinion on being a Victor: He sometimes wishes he were dead (normal), but when he's Lucifer, it's almost as if he's still in the arena.
Opinion on the Capitol: Most of the people there don't really seem like people to him. He sees them more like animals.
Opinion of escort: Just Ugh. He's often barely able to keep from killing her.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: "The most important thing is to prepare yourself for killing." He believes that his tributes are smart and clever, but the only reason they die us because they aren't prepared mentally.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Demetria Dawn, District 6 Escort

Name: Demetria Dawn

Age: 22

District they're escorting for: 6

Have been escorting since: She's been escorting since she was 19, so 3 years.

Appearance: Demetria is pretty much an all-in-one. She's big and bold, but is more simple than some other districts. Her hair is dyed black and white to stand for the racing flags. She has tattoos up and down her arms. Her face is heavily coated in makeup at all times.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Demetria is big and bold, but not overly so. Her hair is half black, half white, like Cruella Deville. She has a black tire perched on the white side of her hair, to signify 6's purpose, transportation. Her dress is a deep red, and she has very high high heels. Her hair is slightly curly, but not like Effie's.

Personality: Demetria has her on and off days. Sometimes she is really sweet and caring, and others she is cold and cruel. She acts all bubbly, but really, she is kind of dark. She loves death more than the average Capitolite, yet she still acts all caring to her tributes.

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Filth. Complete and utter filth. She'll act like she cares for them, but really, nah.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them very kindly, but deep, deep, down, her heart is full of hatred for them.

How do they treat the mentors?: More like people, and she generally likes them more.

Pet Peeves: Demetria gets very annoyed whenever someone or something does something wrong. She also hates it when people ask stupid questions, and being relied on. She's an escort for the money, not to be a babysitter.

Clara Revery, District 6 Mentor: Billie

Made by LokiThisIsMadness

Name: Clara Revery.

District: 6.

Age: 19

Games they won: 83rd.

Appearance: She has hazel eyes, long dark brown hair and is slim and tall (176cm). She usually wears her hair loose. She tends to make an effort with her appearance to look neat and tidy and pretty. She wears minimal makeup and her clothes are usually plain but neat and stylish.

Personality: She is a very interfering person who loves to interfere in other people's affairs. She is far too interested in other people's affairs and has a tendency to pry and snoop. She is very nosy and meddlesome – fond of interfering in things that actually don't really concern her. Also she is officious, in both senses of the word – in trivial matters she is exceedingly pedantic and a stickler for rules, asserting her authority to the point of being domineering. But she is also officious in the way that she is very overbearing in offering people advice and interfering with their problems, she comes across as very intrusive. She doesn't so much give advice, as lecture people on how they should be behaving and point out all their flaws – she is very judgemental of others. She is very prim and disapproves of everything she regards as improper – and isn't afraid to let people know her feelings. She is extremely self-righteous and very sanctimonious, believing herself to be, and acting like she is, morally superior to others. She can come across as very pompous. Also, if she sees something she disapproves of, she's not afraid to tell tales on people and is a terrible tattletale. Spying on people and interfering has made her very observant – she is quick to notice even the smallest things – and she is extremely astute. She can accurately assess situations and turn them to her advantage, for example, by telling on someone at exactly the right moment so that it benefits her. She is also artful, verging on sly. She comes across, especially to authority figures, as very well mannered and polite. She behaves in an obsequious way, extremely obedient and attentive to authority figures, in order to gain advantage with them – she is very sycophantic and her behaviour is ingratiating. She can come across as unctuous – sometimes she goes to far and is excessively flattering and ingratiating, almost a bit oily.

Strategy for mentoring: She has to get to know the tribute first, before she decides if they are worth it or not. If she decides that they are woth it, she'll do her best to make sure that they have sponsors. Also, she has a little grudge against the District Six Male. Her district partner in the Games was her ally and betrayed her in the final 4, and Clara barely escaped with her life. Probably because her Games were only last year, she has kept that grudge, and has promised herself that she'll make the D6 male's live a living hell, everytime. By manipulating sponsors to sponsor her girl instead of the boy, Clara is decided to make sure that the District Six male doesn't leave the Games with his life, whoever he is. 

Relation to tribute: Protective of her girl, and making sure that she knows everything there is to know about the Games. Hateful towards the Male, and might even get to the point of insulting him, even if he is a good person. She doesn't care, since she sees her district partner everytime she looks at him. 

Opinion on being a Victor: Happy that she's alive, but not really excited to be a mentor. To be completely honest, she's only there to get her revenge on her district partner. She has no interest in getting to know someone, get attached, and then watching them die. Yeah, thanks. It's not for her. 

Opinion on the Capitol: Loathes them. They reaped her, runied her life, and sent her to a life of prostitution. In the first chance she got, she would do anything to end them. However, she loves her family and know that their life is in the Capitol's hands, so she keeps quiet about that. 

Opinion of escort: Hates her, like she hates every Capitol person. They ruined her life, and now, they have to pay for it. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: Don't trust anyone, and you won't be suprised.

Allocen Barque, District 6 Mentor: Amari

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Allocen Barque

District: 6

Age: 31

Games they won: 71st Games

Appearance: Allocen is a tall man(about six feet two inches) with ginger hair that's slicked back. His eyes are brown and beady, and black rectangular glasses sit on the bridge of his nose, which is pointed and thin. The rest of his face is in a long oval shape and his chin is rounded, not protruding much. His usual manner of dress includes a black button-up dress shirt, which is neatly tucked into a belt that holds up his black slacks.

Personality: Allocen is a charming, cunning, and extremely intelligent and persuasive individual. He won his Games purely on that cunning and intelligence -- he convinced all the tributes to kill each other, and then the last tribute to take their own life. Allocen never had to lift a finger to cause damage in the Games, which is what he prefers, to not get his hands dirty. Rather than to be participating, he prefers to sit back and watch all the chaos. He speaks in a precise, exact, and concise matter, making the phrase 'words have power' ten times more real. He is and know he is more intelligent than others, not displaying it in a haughty way but formally, elegantly, and truthfully. "I'm simply more intelligent that you, and that's a fact that I will prove however many more times it need be proven." He revels in the ease in which he can manipulate others, and could convince the happiest person in the world to kill themselves if he so desired. He could prove a powerful asset for rebels, which is why the Capitol was worried about him after he won his Games, but fortunately for them, Allocen doesn't take sides. He'd never ally with the districts nor turn against them; as mentioned above, he prefers to sit back and watch. He enjoys the Games, because watching them every year and being the mentor he gets to influence the Games a bit every year.

Strategy for mentoring: Teach the tribute to hone their strengths, become extremely good in the skills they have a chance of winning with. If the tribute has almost no chance of winning, Allocen will blatantly tell them so and then proceed to make the most out of the tribute he locen is realistic and honest with the tribute. He cares not a single bit about the tribute's feelings.

Relation to tribute: Strictly teaching them, like an educator to a pupil. Never gets to know the tribute on a personal level, just does his job(and extremely well, I may add). Some tributes may dislike him for his cold and emotionless opinion to the Games and not caring much about whether the tribute lives or dies.

Opinion on being a Victor: Allocen loved his Games, he recalls them like a fond memory. He enjoys being a mentor and some of the tributes dislike him for his twisted view on it.

Opinion on the Capitol: He doesn't care either way, but he thanks them a little for providing him something to do as a mentor and for putting on the Games each year. 

Opinion of escort: Depending on the escort. Going with the stereotypical escort, he will probably think they're silly, stupid, and frivolous, ignoring them and avoiding them as much as possible.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "It's kill or be killed. The strong survive, the weak will die." He trains the tribute to be strong, to not let their guard down, and focuses a bit on survival skills and more on skills to be used against the other tributes.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cobra Richie, District 7 Escort

Made by HogwartsDreamer113
Name: Cobra Richie 

Age: 29

District they're escorting for: Whatever would be the most fun. :) Seven could work, as Adler would give them a lot of shit, but really anywhere you think would be fun. 

Have been escorting since: 76

Appearance: Cobra is agender, designated female at birth. People have try to guess what gender they are, and never can be sure. Cobra is Asian in ethnicity, and naturally has tan skin, black spiky hair and brown eyes. Cobra is obsessed with their weight, and as a result is very lean. 

Style: Cobra has had their eyes altered to look like cat's eyes. They also wear contacts, causing their eyes to vary between golden yellow, bright green, sky blue, red, and lavender depending on the day. The tips of their hair is dyed red. 

Personality: Cobra is uptight and haughty. They are very snobby, feeling above not only the districts, but also above many other escorts. They have a temper, and always are accusing people of judging them. Cobra hates being misgendered, and will be rude to anyone who makes a mistake of calling them she or he. It's they and them. Nothing else. Cobra will throw a fit if they hear the wrong pronoun in reference to them. However, Cobra is extremely hypocritical, and never bothers to ask anyone else their preferred pronouns. The only reason Cobra became an escort was so that they could be on tv and brag that they met celebrities. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: They are beneath them. 

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: Like animals.

How do they treat the mentors?: Not much better. Cobra demands respect from the mentors, but refuses to give it in return. 

Pet Peeves: Being called the wrong gender, nail biting, people chewing with their mouths open.

Heather Pierce, District 7 Mentor: Briella

Made By We're All Okay
Name: Heather Pierce               

District: 7

Age: 33

Games they won: 66th

Appearance: Heather is considered one of the prettier Victors, with wavy blonde hair and dark green eyes. Her skin is tanned, and a scar cuts across her torso from a wound. She stands at around 5'6", and has a lean build.

Personality: Heather is a controlling, manipulative person. She loves being on the top, which is what gave her her drive to fight in her Games in the first place. Though she's lost her taste for blood, she's energetic, outgoing, and a sucker for action. She's got street smarts for days, and can easily talk her way out of any situation that isn't optimal. Despite her energetic attitude, she's a bit of a nihilist, believing that since she's done it all (won the Games, became a star), she has nothing left to fight for, the only exception being a Tribute she grows very close to.

Strategy for mentoring: She's a bit strict, though she makes sure to emphasize that it's the Tribute's choices in the end that get them killed or help them survive, not her advice.

Relation to tribute: Depends on who they are. If her Tribute is an ass, she'll probably be an ass back. But if they're nice, she might warm up to them a little and help them out, while maintaining her usual strict attitude.

Opinion on being a Victor: Heather loves it all; the fame, the glory, the fact that everyone in Panem knows her name. She does think it's gotten old, though, and is sick of the attention. She sort of just goes through the motions of her duties as Victor now.

Opinion on the Capitol: Oh, Heather hates them, though she has a small respect for them due to them giving her her fame.

Opinion of escort: Heather hates the Capitol, so she hates the Escort by extension. She picks fights with them constantly.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "You know, the weapon skills don't always save you. It's the brains that really matter in the end. If you can think quickly, you can work your way out of any situation, and to the Victor's circle."

Adler Shelton, District 7 Mentor: Kendal

Made by HogwartsDreamer113
Name: Adler Shelton

District: 7

Age: 24

Games they won: 78

Appearance: Adler has untidy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He normally has a beard, but shaves whenever he has to go to the Capitol. Adler is tall and muscular. He's attractive enough to be desired by many in the Capitol, and would be almost as popular as Finnick *wails* if it weren't for his bitter personality.

Personality: Even at 24, Adler acts like a grouchy old man. He's sarcastic and blunt. Most of the comments Adler makes are harsh. He's a bit of a bully, and scares a lot of his tributes, but really, he doesn't give a shit. He hates careers, and has been known to get into fights and for making weaker victors, such as Annie, cry (Which, of course, Finnick and others do not tolerate in the mentor room). Adler has a sailor's mouth and is always causing trouble. He acts heartless, but deep down, he knows he is only trying to protect himself from "going off the deep end" as he would say. Adler would never admit his struggles with his inner demons though, and instead acts as though he regrets nothing about what he did in the games. He won by brutality, even betraying his own ally in the end. To deal with his demons, Adler binge drinks at home and is an alcoholic. Unlike Haymitch though, he always sobers up for the Games to be there for the tributes. 

Strategy for mentoring: Adler believes in tough love. He believes his harsh words towards tributes will make them stronger in the end. He does not sugar coat anything, and can sometimes be downright mean. 

Relation to tribute: What do you want for this exactly? I think Adler would want his tribute to be successful, so in turn would be really harsh on him. 

Opinion on being a Victor: He enjoys the money, but is a grouch about everything else. 

Opinion on the Capitol: Hates it with a burning passion, and has gotten in a bit of trouble over the years for being to vocal about it. 

Opinion of escort: No matter what the personality, he is extremely rude to them. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "You've got to be tough if you want to survive."

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jessamine Di' Avile Montyguile, District 8 Escort

Made by GryffindorOnFire
Name: Jessamine Di' Avile Montyguile

Age: 19

Have been escorting since: This is her first year. She's been studying the art of Escorting for years now and have devoted herself to it.

Appearance: Jessamine looks almost identical to a porcelain doll. She may have the smoothest hair you'll ever see, and feels just as luscious. It's dyed a light blonde, to the point where it may seem silver. She had a small, yet almost too skinny figure. Some say she's still hooked on the fad after one Victor's Games were so unbearable, everyone was starving and you could clearly see their distinct, mutilated form of hunger. She has slender figures and her eyes are an eerie glass shell. It looks like she may be blind, but she can see perfectly well. All her features resemble that of a doll and her complexion is a light olive. She can't be more than 4' 11" and weighs 80 pounds dripping wet.

Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): She's very conservative and her wardrobe is full of overly extravagant gowns. She has tremendous hair styling that pile high.

Personality: Jessamine is overly peppy. She may even appear as annoying and pushy to some. Her voice is a strange squeak and she sounds like she's eating a bubble. However, she truly hopes to encourage her tributes to try. She wants another achievement to add to her name. She loves to boost her own ego albeit, and loves receiving compliments. She doesn't take it well when she fails, however. She likes attention and appraisal, and usually shoves it down other's throats. She's a consistent boaster, and is well-known to be snarky. (please ask if you have any questions!)

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She expected it for a first timer, but she doesn't think its all that bad. The tributes are nice enough and have a chance. Sometimes. She feels a good vibe from this year's batch however and are determined to take them to the top.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them as if she was babysitter and they were the babies. She wants to prove to the hypothetical parents that shes well-worthy of this occupation and exceptionally trained.

How do they treat the mentors?: She absolutely adores them for their great work within the Games and respects them. She hopes to work as a team for their tributes. But honestly, she centers the attention around herself.

Pet Peeves: Dirty Complexion, Losing, Failing, Anything Unorganized/Not Neat/Not Clean

Carissa Kempton, District 8 Mentor: Felicity

Created by Wetstar

Name: Carissa Kempton

Age: 71

Games they won: 30th (17 at the time)

Appearance: Gray hair, wrinkly skin. She has brown eyes. 

Personality: Fairly no nonsense, doesn't take any shit from anyone. Despite that, she does like to joke, she just refuses to let it interfere with her mentoring. She still sits on the back of the sofa to watch the training scores and give advice to her tributes, despite the escort's protests that she'll break a hip and that she's "ruining the furniture." Her philosophy is basically "mentor first, get to know them and keep them calm second"

Strategy for mentoring: Make sure that they have a strategy and are as well prepared as possible. She'd offer as much advice from previous years as she can. She wants to be sure that they know what they're doing, even if they're stressed because the stress isn't exactly something that she can get rid of easily, but she can make sure that they stand a fighting chance. 

Relation to tribute: She gives her tribute plenty of advice first and then tries to get to know her a little bit in order to help her figure out a good sponsor angle. 

Opinion on being a Victor: She likes it better to the alternative, even if it does suck. 

Opinion on the Capitol: *blows raspberry* Basically. 

Opinion of escort: Thinks that she's a complete idiot.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "Don't sacrifice yourself for somebody else because they're probably gonna die later on anyways. Don't get yourself killed trying to rescue an ally that might die in two days from their current injuries. Everyone else has to die for you to come home. Don't forget that and put yourself in danger. It's alright to care about the other tributes, but it's not alright to throw your life away for them." She's basically at the point where she's watched so many tributes die that she's really just kind of jaded about the whole thing.

Jute Silk, District 8 Mentor: Male Tribute

Created by Programming
Name: Jute Silk

District: 8

Age: Won at 16, is now 30

Games they won: 67

Appearance: Jute is a handsome older man, graying only at the ears and leaving the rest of his dark, wavy brown hair luscious and full. He has dull blue eyes, but they are wide and full of emotion, which makes them interesting. His nose is short and is slightly twisted from breaking his nose in the Games. He has a clean amount of scruff and his lips are thin and a dark, natural pink, hiding sparkling white teeth, straightened by the Capitol. He has certainly grown into his weight since the Games, going from a tall, slightly chubby boy to a muscled man over the years. His skin is a light, caramel brown, and the first thing that anything notices about Jute is the fact that his left hand is missing, another sacrifice to the Games. Other than that, he is a normal-looking man, tall and muscular like a male victor should be. Jute is never seen out of his colorful suits, which are always made by his favorite suit-maker in District 8, except for during the Games, which he wears all black suits.

Personality: Jute has not let his victor status change who he is around other people. He's always been a kind, happy-go-lucky man who gets along with kids very well and has become a fatherly figure more than the brotherly figure he was as a kid. He always looks on the bright side, and tries his best to remain positive around his fellow victors and the district itself. He is a selfless person, buying Reaping dresses and suits for children who can't afford it, and helping clothing makers deliver to elderly and handicapped people. He came from the slums of District 8, and he vowed that, if he could win the Games, he would bring prosperity to the slums, and help out as many people as he can. Under this optimistic facade is a boy, terrified of the Capitol and its deathly grip on him. He has constant, almost every day, nightmares of his time in the Games and the children he killed. He was close to death when he claimed the victory and has been scared of even the smallest confrontation since. He is definitely the wimp between him and his fellow mentor, opting for peaceful conversation more than radical arguments or outright violence.

Strategy for mentoring: Make the kids feel as comfortable and confident as possible. It's hard to work with scared kids, so he first tries a few jokes or polite small talk, to try and get the kids to trust him. He's the father figure of District 8, and he uses that to his advantage, to help these kids like a father would. He often gets too attached, although his mentoring partner tries to keep him from doing so. He just can't help it, to help them become better, he has to know them and understand their strengths, and fight for them to have sponsors and survive further.

Relation to tribute: Maybe he bought a dress or suit for one of them, maybe one of them is his niece or nephew (I'd really like that). He'd probably become really close with the tributes, just because it's in his nature. But this year might be worse, because his wife is pregnant, and he can imagine his kid being reaped and feel for the tribute and their family. He'd work even harder to bring them home because it is what he would want for his kid.

Opinion on being a Victor: Being a victor has allowed him to do more for District 8 than he ever could as a kid from the slums. He's used this position to create a sense of prosperity in the district. Though there are still people that didn't want him to come home, supporters of his district partner, or the old-fashioned district citizens that see victors that kill offensively as traitors. Jute has done the best he can with the strain of the Capitol and people who want him dead, but as he's always optimistic, he does everything he can to make District 8 better.

Opinion on the Capitol: He's never liked the Capitol, but keeps his opinions to himself. This is the only subject that can get him truly angry, talking about the Capitol. They have a deadly grip on Panem and will always have control. They manipulate, discriminate, and overall, enjoy that twenty-four children fight to the death until one is alive. Jute sees the Capitol as heartless and cold, and tries to stay out of it as much as possible.

Opinion of escort: He keeps the motto, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Although he's learn to get along with the escort, the escort definitely isn't his favorite person. He finds it hard to get along with anyone that approves of the Games. They don't talk much at all, along with they have to, but escort loves to talk to him. 

Philosophy/Winning Advice: "If you repeat to yourself, 'I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home', there's no one that can stop you from coming home. You bring yourself home."

Thursday, January 7, 2016

James Rhodes, District 9 Escort

Name: James Rhodes

Age: 32

Have been escorting since: James has been escorting for twelve years.

Appearance/Style: James is a tall, dark-skinned man with red eyes(contacts, naturally they're brown), long eyelashes, and a smirk that can send chills up your spine. His hair is dark and close-cut save for one long wavy red(dyed) strand that cascades down his back. His outfit consists of a grey suit, black tie and neatly polished black shoes. His fingernails are neatly filed in ovals and his overall appearance gives him the look of a devil/demon. He'll occasionally be seen smoking a cigarette.

Personality: James is a very arrogant person, has a higher opinion of himself than anything else and supports the Capitol in all their screwed-up ways, including and especially the bloodlust for the Games. He is very passive and dismissive of people who are of a lower social or economical status than his, including and especially people from the Districts. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: He has a less-than adequate opinion of District Nine -- he'd much rather be escorting for a district like One or Two(but heaven forbid he ever escort for Eleven or Twelve). He looks down on the people from District Nine, thinking them just to be poor and worthless. The tributes usually have little to no chance of winning, so he normally doesn't give them much thought or time unless they somehow prove to him that they're worth paying attention to.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: More like animals. He figures the tributes are going to die anyways.

How do they treat the mentors?: He is very curt to the mentors, keeping interaction with them to a minimum. He doesn't dislike them but he doesn't like them either.

Pet Peeves: He hates the tributes' ignorance as to what some Capitol things are, like how they don't know what some things are called or what some things do.