Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kitty Summons, District 3 Mentor: Cyra

Made by CrissKenobie-the-Numenorean
Name: Kitty Summons

Age: 34

Games they won: 68

Appearance: copper colored hair, full red lips, stands 5'4". She is quite buxom, but somehow always just looks cute and sweet to everyone. Lots of smiles and laughter. She has green eyes, and is of medium build.

Personality: sweet, cute, first impression of her is usually that she is nïeve, but the moment you piss her off, she will kill you. Thankfully she usually keeps her temper under control. 

Strategy for mentoring: talk, talk bunches, and pray to everyone good that her tribute is listening.

Relation to tribute: both are female? Both were once tributes?

Opinion on being a Victor: being a victor sucks...... 

Opinion on the Capitol: it's big, shiny, and utterly worthless, full of stupid people.

Opinion of escort: she doesn't mind them too much, except when that start to bug her about her manners which aren't terrible but are definitely not the best.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: schmooze the crowd, be lovable. If the crowd loves you, I can get you sponsors. Oh, and train hard!

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