Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pit Kensy, District 2 Mentor: Vidarr

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Pit Kensy
Age: 22
Games they won: 80th
Appearance: Has choppy brown hair that barely touches her shoulders, a boyish face, and chestnut brown eyes.  Often appears very edgy.  Very pregnant, so she looks more exhausted than usual and also has a huge belly.
Personality: Pit is someone that you do not want to cross.  She was strategically placed with Vi because she’s 8 months pregnant and the Capitol thinks that by putting her with him, that she’ll be too distracted being tired/photoshoots/appointments to really properly help him.  Well, the Capitol is quite mistaken.  She is determined to give Vi a full mentoring as well as juggling her pregnancy.  Especially moody and irritable at the moment, but doesn’t take it out on others, mostly just aggressively eats and complains.  She rolls around and complains and says “Fuck you Peregrine” a lot.
Strategy for mentoring: She’s going to do whatever it takes to get Vi a good experience.  She wants him to succeed as a personal fuck you to the president.  She is somewhat informed of his past, but that only puts more of a fire under her ass.  No matter how sick, tired, or moody she is, she will make sure she’s able to properly give him advice and do what she can to help him.  She will stay up late if she has to, she will do whatever it takes.  She will pull all-nighters.
Relation to tribute: She’s determined to help him, and though he’s awkward because she’s pregnant and also because he’s Vi, they’ll get along pretty well.  She only wants what’s best for him and would often try to remind him what he has to get home to.  She understands how he is, so longing to get back to Ashe, and would totally use that to put a fire under his ass.
Opinion on being a Victor: Fuck everything.
Opinion on the Capitol: Can’t really like them too much and wishes they weren’t so invasive regarding her pregnancy.  She knows that the reason Snow scheduled so many photoshoots and interviews about the pregnancy is to distract her, and that just makes her want to get Vi out more, just to watch Snow put the crown on his head.
Opinion of escort: She was really unhappy with her at first, but soon found that she liked Vienna much more than the past escort for 2.  She appreciates all that Vienna does for her, but wishes that she wouldn’t be so incredibly insistent on Pit and Nikko’s constant happiness.  Vienna runs a lot of errands and does a lot of soothing for Pit after really long days, and Pit appreciates that.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: People win these Games because of perseverance.  I’m not going to give up on you, so don’t give up on anyone.

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