Sunday, February 7, 2016

Elizabeth Pond, District 3 Escort

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Elizabeth Pond

Age: 29

Have been escorting since: She's been escorting for eight years.

Appearance/Style(I put these two together): Elizabeth has chest-length, wavy, dyed dark purple hair and dark blue eyes edged by a couple of white rhinestones embedded outside the outer corners of her eyes. Her skin is pale, and she stands at about 5'7" which is boosted a few inches by high-heeled shoes. Typical styles for her are simple and elegant, always luxurious and colored to set off her hair and eyes, navy blue, indigo, or purple. Her reaping outfit consists of a long, sleeveless indigo dress, with white sparkles to resemble the night sky. On other occasions she's worn things that look more absurd, such as a purple dress covered in butterflies or a frilly blue one that reaches her knees.

Personality: Elizabeth is a kind and innocent soul. She doesn't understand exactly how brutal and unfair the Games are, but she feels some amount of pity for the tributes and is usually very kind and generous, helping them and consoling them if need be. She often defends the Capitol, making excuses for them, saying how 'such a wonderful place isn't that bad'. Elizabeth is horribly misguided in that respect. She feels an obligation to connect with the tributes on a personal level and will try and do so, to be a source of advice or to talk to if the mentor or the district partner isn't enough. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Thinks District 3 people have potential for winning but are not usually winners.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: Somewhere in-between. She doesn't fully understand the brutality and unfairness of the Games, but she treats the tributes nicely.

How do they treat the mentors?: Elizabeth often tries to work with the mentors to help the tribute be the best they can be. She sees the mentors as equals, although they might not always get along with her seeing as she's a Capitolite and again, her lack of understanding of the brutality of the Games.

Pet Peeves: When someone blatantly insults, demeans, or puts the Capitol in a bad light in any way. Elizabeth tries to eradicate that sort of talk, because of the way she has seen the Capitol all her life, been raised to think that way, and because she actually believes the Capitol are the good guys.

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