Saturday, February 13, 2016

Vienna Turner, District 2 Escort

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Vienna Turner
Age: 28-ish
Have been escorting since: This is her first year!
Appearance: Short and of average weight with a doll-like face, (synthetically) pink cheeks, a sweet expression, and purple eyes. Her hair is multi-colored and wound up into two buns on the sides of her hair.  Fairly busty and not afraid to show it.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Vienna will never be caught wearing less than four colors at once.  She loves her sweet, light purple eyes, and her sweet face.  She never wears the same color lipstick two days in a row, nor eyeshadow.  She always likes to shake it up.  Her signature hairstyle is the buns and she wears it all the time.
Personality: Vienna is slightly more professional and mature than Mary Catherine, however she is very much in love with Diesel.  She’s a sweet person but also gets down to business and does not tolerate people slacking around.  She’s very protective of people, especially her brother Viridian.  She is very good at handling people, especially people who are sad or scared.  She’s right-off-the-bat very empathetic and there to comfort her tributes. She wants them to dominate in the Arena and is whole-heartedly rooting for them till the end.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She loves it, and wants to get the big Arena gimmick out of Diesel by using her sexuality.  She thinks District 2 is powerful, but expected her tributes to be much more stoic, so she’s pleasantly surprised when they turn out to be personable. 
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them like people from the start.  She’s like the overenthusiastic aunt.  She’s rooting for them but also backs off to let the mentors do their work of teaching because they know best, they’ve been doing this a lot longer than she has.  She knows that she’s inexperienced, but wants to learn and gain experience. And, of course, she’s great at viewing things through a possible sponsor’s eyes.
How do they treat the mentors?: She respects them highly and is willing to be Pit’s servant just like she was for Mary Catherine.  She bends over backwards to work toward their satisfaction and is heartbroken to see them upset, even though they tell her she’s been great.  She sees broken lives and doesn’t know how to handle them when they’re not being romanticized, but she really does her best.  Nikko and Pit appreciate her though.  Also, she ships them to the death.

Pet Peeves: Anyone smack-talking Careers/District 1.  Anyone dissing the Victors, and anyone saying anything bad about Diesel.

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