Monday, February 15, 2016

Mary Catherine Bundren, District 1 Escort

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Mary Catherine Bundren
Age: 28-ish
Have been escorting since: This is her first year.
Appearance: Slightly chubby and of average height with blue and purple “galaxy hair” that she wears in a braid around her head all elegantly.  She has a bit of a gap tooth, and always has shiny lips and is way into all kinds of gemstones.  She has red scars from self-harm on her arms, but is scheduling an appointment to have them removed.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Very vibrant and colorful, based on how she’s feeling is how she dresses.  She wears make-up accompanying her outfit and is not afraid to be big and bold.  She doesn’t change her hair but puts it in many different styles.
Personality: Mary Catherine is loud and has a huge personality.  She isn’t afraid to say what she means.  She sometimes lacks tact.  She’s a big party girl and still enjoys to have a good time, though she is a very compassionate mother to her daughter Padme.  She fights for powerful women and will never be subdued.  She is very passionate and energetic, and her main goal is to bring new life to District 1 and impact every tribute she has.  However, she soon finds herself getting attached to the tributes.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She is absolutely thrilled that Diesel put her in this position and will never thank him enough for it.  She loves District 1 and is proud to be serving as an escort there.
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them like a combination.  She acknowledges that they’re human and she wants to get them home, but also shows them off and treats them like they know nothing at times.  Eventually, though, she finds she can be genuine with them and starts to really like them as people.
How do they treat the mentors?: She absolutely adores the mentors and wants to get to know them better.  Treats them like celebrities, which annoys them.  Asks way too many questions.

Pet Peeves: Anyone saying anything bad about Diesel, anyone bringing up her scars, anyone not taking the Games seriously, annoyed with Callum because he’s not the scheduled volunteer. 

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