Monday, February 15, 2016

Gloss Constable, District 1 Mentor: Callumgl

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Gloss Constable
Age: 39
Games they won: 63rd
Appearance: Tall and strong with blonde hair and blue eyes, like your normal District 1 tribute.  Has a dashing smile, and is still dearly loved and sold by the Capitol because he hasn’t really settled down yet.
Personality: Very paranoid about the Capitol watching him, Gloss never acts like himself around anyone.  He is too scared of something he did being the cause of his tribute being at a disadvantage.  Even when he’s close to 40, he’s still flirtatious and a charmer.  He is determined to bring as many tributes home as he can. Secretly still upset over his shortcomings and failures as a mentor, but keeps a smile on.
Strategy for mentoring: Become friends with the tribute, get them to trust him, and give them all the advice he can think of.  A major storyteller, will say about what worked for him and what he wished he would’ve done.  Reminds his tribute that they have a lot to come home to and goes to get lots of sponsors for them, which is easy because he’s from a Career district.
Relation to tribute: Would try to get to know him, but not too much.  Would definitely be interested in why Callum volunteered, but doesn’t want to know too much for a fear of getting attached to his tribute too much.  Would do a lot to provide for him and provide a lot of helpful advice.  Would probably take a drink or two the night of the reaping, but sobers up quickly and has a high tolerance.
Opinion on being a Victor: It’s everything he’d always wanted, and he hated it.  He hates watching them put Cashmere through what he’s going through and knowing that everything he does has an effect on everyone around him.  Has become insecure and paranoid.
Opinion on the Capitol: Afraid of them, but tries to embrace them.  Has a few tattoos and other stuff of the sort, but mostly tries to stay true to his District roots.  Sold out to them, but keeps a smile and a flirtatious attitude. 
Opinion of escort: Mary Catherine is… A big personality.  She gushes over everything he does, which he thinks is typical for most Capitolites.  He wouldn’t be mean to her for fear of consequences, but would be glad when she wasn’t around.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You’re from a Career District, and you have the Capitol behind you.  Don’t give up, keep on fighting. 

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