Sunday, December 27, 2015

Saxon Hastings: Games Announcer, 84th Hunger Games

Hello, one and all. 
My name is Saxon Hastings, and I am the Announcer for the 84th Hunger Games.  
My favorite color is gold, and it's the color of my hair, lips, and even eyelashes!  I wear big black glasses and have freckles on my cheeks and nose.  I enjoy corsets and old-timey outfits but can also rock a suit, which I do almost all the time when I'm at work. I will very rarely be seen without my golden hair up in a ponytail.  I wear top-hats, too, totally unironically. 
I was chosen for the position of announcer because I have quite a loud voice.  I try to keep up my appearance at all times and really really enjoy fashion.  If I could live in a District it would definitely be 2.  I'm a joker with a boss-ass stage presence that puts even Diesel Bundren to shame.  I'm an exceptionally young announcer at 23, and not afraid to be sensual.  Perhaps that's why I got the job... Anyways, I'm an overachiever that wants to work up the ranks to an interviewing position, possibly even a Gamemaker, or even a Head Gamemaker.  I'm ambitious and not afraid to dream big.  It's one of those theatrical things that make me who I am.  I love a good Games, and can't wait to announce them!! 
Thanks for taking the time to read!  I hope you enjoy my work and the work of all my colleagues in the Games!! 

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