Wednesday, December 23, 2015

84: Comments from those in charge of the Games

Blah blah blah, BOOOOOORRRIINGGGGG!!  Let's get onto the good stuff, now!!  I'm Diesel Bundren, the only person that matters in this whole thing!!! 
Ahem.  I believe we all matter too.  Diesel, you're an asshole.  I'm Santana Villanueva, the other co-Head Gamemaker. 
This is the place where you'll find all the tricks of the trade regarding our current badass project, the 84th Hunger Games: Silhouettes!
Here, you'll find insider info on the mentors and escorts, and tidbits about our tributes as well.  Not to mention arena plans, drawings, headcanons (whatever those are), and maybe even some one-shots (seriously what are those?!) about us and the tributes.  
So if you want to learn about the best person to ever grace the Capitol, you're in luck!  Because I'm the head honcho here, and here to answer any of your questions! 
And if you don't hate yourself, you can still check out out what's on the blog.  Where the hell is Blaine!?
Sorry, just got here!  Blaine Buchanan at your service, your interviewer!! 
There you are!  Finally!
Of course I had to be fashionably late!  Anyways, it's nice to see you and I hope you enjoy the blog!! 
How the hell are you guys doing this without me!? 
Saxon, you made it!!  Aren't you looking sax-y today? 
Get out. 
Anyways, our bloody conflicts aside, enjoy the blog! 

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