Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Santana Villanueva: Co-Head Gamemaker, 84th Hunger Games

Hello there, all.  I'm sorry for any kind of trouble Diesel may have caused. 
My name is Santana Villanueva. I'm the other co-Head Gamemaker of the 84th Games. I hope you will be impressed, we put a lot of work into them. Diesel came up with a lot of ideas that had so many inconsistencies and errors in them that the Arena would implode on itself. Luckily, I'm here to make sure these Games don't fall apart because he's a dumbass. And he's really a dumbass.
I was pushed into this job by my parents, just like he was, and we're also being pushed by our parents to get married. That's right, I'm arranged to be married to this asshole. God, I hate him. 
I don't like the big showiness of a lot of Capitolite citizens. My family mixed race, my mother is Mexican (which means nothing to me now), and my father is pale and pasty.  I was blessed with tan skin and dark hair like my mother, and... I'll get to that later, never mind.  I have red streaks in my wavy black hair, but it's usually pulled back in a ponytail. I love winged eyeliner and always have fake eyelashes on. 
I am a fighter, feisty and headstrong.  And yet I was never able to stand up to my parents. There is so much I couldn't do, and that always bothered me because of who I am as a person. My friends help me through, though. My best friend is Ross McCafferty, a Games history major who works behind the scenes in a lot of conceptualizing and critiquing of the Games. He smoked with me and helped edit my papers in University. He always knows what to say to me. 
I used to have a younger brother, named Ike, who was pale and blond like my father. Unfortunately, he committed suicide years ago... He was just a kid still, a teen. He intentionally wore a T-shirt just so that people could revel in all the cuts on his arms. It hurts me all the time. I always wear my locket with his picture in it. I don't let go of him, I refuse to let go of his memory. 
I hope you are impressed by our Games. Also, I hope that Diesel's dumb-assery doesn't cause everything to go into flames.  I guess we'll see, though. 

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