Sunday, December 27, 2015

Haymitch Abernathy, D12 Mentor: Wren and Leo

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Haymitch Abernathy
Age: 50
Games they won: 50th
Appearance: Has long-ish, greasy blond hair and dead, drunk eyes, often forgets to shave. Looks very much a mess and is often spluttering drunk. 
Personality: Very tired of the Games and very tired of having to mentor kids to their death.  He is just so sick of existing, but he knows that he has to keep at it in the hopes of getting at least one tribute home as the years tick on and on.  He and Effie have become used to losing tributes so it barely affects him now as he drowns out his problems and sorrows with alcohol.
Strategy for mentoring: He’s given up all hope and wouldn’t put in much effort unless he finds a tribute that he thinks is worth the effort.  He and Effie are Games veterans that have seen it all, so he has good advice.
Relation to tribute: Detached, wouldn’t really talk to them except to ask where the alcohol is.  Though he may end up having faith in them.
Opinion on being a Victor: So done with it.  Done with the pain and the suffering, and wants to be nothing.  However the Capitol wants to keep him around so that District 12 can say it has a mentor and a Victor, even if he’s useless.
Opinion on the Capitol: Hates them, but so far hasn’t been pushed enough to open his mouth about it.
Opinion of escort: He and Effie have become a team of losing tributes.  They share the same sorrow that comes with District 12 not having a Victor, though other than that they’re complete opposites.  He sees her as a typical Capitolite nag.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: Simple. Don’t die. 

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