Monday, April 25, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 6~

From impossiblepostrunaway via Tumblr: Hi! I have a question for the tributes from D1, D6, D6, D7, D8, D12. What is your favorite color and why? :D
Iridesce: Hm... I like all the colors. I can't say I mind the color of my hair, but I also like royal purple, just because it's bright and, well, royal. 
Callum: Mine is orange. I dunno why, it just is. I'm glad I didn't tell my prep team that, though, or else I would've ended up looking like a pumpkin!
Amari: I'm a navy blue kind of guy. It's just very mellow and definitely a cool color. 
Billie: I haven't really given it much thought. Probably just black, because it's the color of darkness. 
Riella: The color of Andy's eyes. Oh God I sound disgusting right now. But it's just... A fact. That's how you know you're kinda in really deep.
Kendal: I dunno if I could decide on just one. I love pink, though, but a soft pink, that reminds me of the sunset. I like all the colors, though, especially if they're described well in literature.
Felicity: Just choose one color? I enjoy them all. No matter what, my baby will be the best-dressed little rascal out there once I'm a Victor.
Nautica: The crimson red of blood on the wall. It's a relief because not only have we accomplished our goal, but we also get to live another day.
Leo: Probably charcoal, the color that's all over District 12's dim palette. Just because it's so familiar, it makes me think of my family and Zack.
Wren: Anything but charcoal. I love vibrant colors, especially yellow! District 12 is so incredibly pale and washed-out in terms of colors. 

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