Sunday, April 10, 2016


From yourtheamericanpsycho via Tumblr: Here’s a question for: Callum, Iridesce, Maggie, Collin. Amari, Briella and Wren. If you had to pick your favorite memory from home, what would it be? Who would be in it?
Callum: I have plenty of fond memories. But one of my favorites would probably be my grandmother's birthday last year. We had some cake, we spent the day together, and Armory and Niss even came over for some of it. It was just a fun day of bonding for all of us. 
Iridesce: Hm... Well, it would probably be that day when I came out as genderfluid to my family, and asked them to refer to me as they/them. Those days don't come too incredibly often, but that first time that I knew what I wanted and my family and friends accepted and respected that... Made me extremely happy. 
Maggie: It would probably be back when my father was still alive.  Hannah and I had a sleepover, and my family insisted we stay in the living room and have a family game night. My mother brought out a deck of cards and we all played together. Then Hannah and I went to my room together and snuggled and kissed when we were sure my parents and Sammie were asleep.  That happened before I was out.  But I still remember it fondly. 
Collin: Back when I was younger, when I was 12 and Tel was born and joined our family, he was just a baby. Running on the beach, feeling the ocean wash across my bare feet as I was so carefree, my father was there holding Tel and watching, we were a happy family and the beach was so warm and welcoming. Of course, that memory's ruined because of the fact that the sea turned against me and took my father, though. 
Amari: Anything before the Games, really. I had it perfect. I'm well-liked, surrounded by pretty people that are interested in me, and of course, I have my best friends Kyle and Lydia by my side. People respect me and think I'm funny. I lived the good life every day, before I was reaped. I mean, I suppose there was that one day I spent with that guy that was really good if you know what I mean, but really I can't pinpoint a specific moment.
Riella: Mine would have to be that first morning that I woke up next to Andy. Yeah, leading up to that I knew I was moving in with her: the preparations, the day spent unloading my things and getting me settled, but I guess the full meaning of the moment didn't hit me until I opened my eyes and saw her face there and knew that I was home. I knew that I would never deal with another hateful word from my parents, another argument with them. I was really, truly home, for the first time, I was content, I knew that it all paid off and worked out. 
Wren: I don't know if I can pinpoint a specific moment, but it would definitely include my family and friends. My parents, my siblings Robyn and Jay, my friends Tansy and Emberly... We've all had so many smiles and laughs together it'd be hard to pick just one moment or memory as a favorite. I remember fond things about each one of them, really. 

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