Friday, April 8, 2016


From Anonymous via Tumblr: Billie: Hello! You seem cool enough, so I'll talk to you first. I like you! You're definitely a contender in these Games - I wouldn't count you out, not for a second. I'd like to know, what's it like to be deaf? I mean, I have a deaf mom, so I know what it's like to live with one, but what's it like to lose one of your senses?
Billie: To have something such as the ability to hear and lose it, to onw that you're going to lose it and can't do a single damn thing about it... It's a process that involves a lot of grief.  It took a long time for me to admit that my hearing was going.  They say it's something you can get over or learn to live with, but I've never gotten over it or learned to live with it.  It hurts me all the time that I'm looked down upon and discriminated against even though I can read lips.  To lose one of your senses makes you realize that you would do anything to have it back and that you took it for granted.  And that's one thing I'll never forgive myself for, and I'll never forgive anyone else for. 

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