Monday, April 11, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 4~

From Sophie via Tumblr: Here are some questions:
Callum: Do you wish your relationship with your parents was different?
Vidarr: If you had to pick your favorite thing about living in District Two, what would it be?
Maggie: If you had stayed in D2, do you think you would have married your girlfriend? Also, who do you think would have proposed to the other? You or her?
Collin: What is your favorite memory about your father?
Amari: You had friends, a good life and you were popular. But besides that, is there anything you wish you had done while you were still in District Six? Like, something you regret not doing?
Riella: What is your favorite thing about your girlfriend? Also, how did you know you loved her in the first place?
Kendal: If you hadn’t been reaped, what do you imagine your life in District Seven would be like after you turned eighteen?
Felicity: Have you picked a name for your baby? If so, what made you pick it?
Kade: If you could say anything to your sister, what would it be?
Leo: Weird question, but would you change your name if you could?
Callum: Of course I do.  I wish my mother hadn't been stupid and gotten pregnant with me when she was so young.  I wish I had parents. I mean, of course my grandparents mean the world to me, and they've done everything they can for me, but... I wish I was like the other kids at Academy who had time to focus on training instead of having to juggle a job and caring for them and all... So yeah, I wish it was different. 
Vi: Well, besides my Ashe, probably just how well-off we are. If we lived anywhere else, Ashe and I probably wouldn't have been able to run away together without permission and get an apartment.  I mean, it's by no means a great place, but it's a place.  And we can feed ourselves. And that's really all that matters. 
Maggie: Well... I mean, it's hard to say because we're still both 16, and I don't think either of us intends on getting married so young.  But, of course I've thought about the possibility. It's a little crazy to think about, with both of us so young.  If someone were to propose... I dunno.  I mean, it could be either of us.  Neither of us would propose without being totally sure that we wanted to do it.  Hannah is so much more creative than me, though, it'd probably be more romantic if she did it. But you never know. 
Collin: My father was always my best friend. I have plenty of happy memories of sitting at the table with him and eating fruit and giggling in our small dusty kitchen.  The first time he took me out on the open sea, and I remember how incredibly amazing it was, to be out sailing on the ocean.  He said, "Smell the air, Collin.  This will be your home."  *sighs* Yeah. 
Amari: Well, I'm only 15.  There's a lot of stuff I wish I could've done, but like, when I'm ready.  I mean, I haven't gone all the way with anyone, but I wouldn't do that if I could change things.  I wouldn't until I was older.  Other than that, I can't say there's anything I regret.  Maybe I'd be more respectful of my mother, but she's such a killjoy I just can't help it. 
Riella: My favorite thing about Andy?  Oh, everything.  So sappy, I know.  But I can't pick just one thing, that's why I love her so much.  That's why I picked her over my parents.  I knew I loved her one time when we were talking together and I realized there was nobody I'd rather be talking to, nobody I'd rather spend my time with, nobody I'd rather be with more than her. 
Kendal: Well... Trying to figure out where I belong, I guess.  I suppose I would spend some time travelling with my Dad before learning to teach on my own and being a teacher to camp kids.  Maybe find someone to get married to, if that happens I won't fight it.  I'd just be nothing special, as is usual for District 7 people. 
Felicity: I haven't considered it too much. Jonathan and I were gonna talk about it after the reaping but obviously that didn't work out, now did it? 
Kade: I would say... I'm sorry.  For everything.  I blame myself for her death, of course, I should've done something... But it's definitely not her fault.  I would say how much I love her and wish she was here.  *sad sigh* 
Leo: Yeah, I think I would.  I mean, it's so plain and simple and sometimes I'm not sure it suits me. 

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