Tuesday, April 12, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 5~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: Questions for the 84th tributes: Kade: Would you kill the Victor who killed your sister, if you had the chance? Do you think she deserves to die? Briella: Was there a time where you and your girlfriend went through a bad moment, but still remained together? Tells us about it. Wren: If you won, what would be the first thing you would do when you got home?
Kade: Niesha Varlett killed Lydia, but I wouldn't kill her.  Starting to go through the Games myself, I know that she was only doing what she had to in order to survive.  Hopefully that's it, hopefully she regrets what she did, but... No, I wouldn't kill her.  She may have volunteered for it, but I suppose in the big scheme of things it's not her fault. 
Riella: There have been a couple arguments we've had, but probably one of the worst was about reapings. I told her I'd volunteer for her if she was reaped from when I was 16 and she was 17, and she said absolutely not, and I said absolutely, and she said then that she would volunteer for me.  I told her no.  She said it's only fair.  I said no again, she accused me of implying that she's weak and has no chance. That's truly not what I meant. I meant that I would do anything for her and I want her to always be safe and happy. We ended the argument abruptly and she left. I was slightly horrified. Later she came back and gave me a muffin from the bakery as a treat and we talked it out. That was definitely the most intense argument we had. 
Wren: Hug my family and friends and make sure they know how incredibly deeply I love them and how much I am blessed by their friendship.  Losing them is what's hurt me the most. 

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