Saturday, April 30, 2016
Celtic here! Just an update: I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately. I was all ready to write Training and I got hit with a monster cold, my head's been pounding with a sinus headache and I haven't felt the energy to write anything. But I'm working on it! Thanks for understanding!
Monday, April 25, 2016
~Question Time!! Part 7~
From Anonymous via Tumblr: Callum: Did you tell your friends about what you planned to do before you volunteered, or were they completely blind sided by this? Raoul (hope I spelled his name correctly, I thought I did at first, but my phone keeps autocorrecting so I might not've.): If you were to win, would you ever be interested in joining something like a Capitol orchestre or something like that? Serafine: Do you have any regrets about volunteering?
Callum: I didn't tell them because I knew they wouldn't understand and would try to stop me, especially Armory. So I just didn't say anything. It was impulsive more than anything, really.
Raoul: I would really be interested in getting a better instrument... I suppose I would join an orchestra, but playing music like that is much different than playing jigs back home, so maybe not. I'd look into it but I dunno if I could do it.
Serafina Anya: Of course I do. I barely ever wanted to... I was forced into it when first in training dropped out last minute.
Callum: I didn't tell them because I knew they wouldn't understand and would try to stop me, especially Armory. So I just didn't say anything. It was impulsive more than anything, really.
Raoul: I would really be interested in getting a better instrument... I suppose I would join an orchestra, but playing music like that is much different than playing jigs back home, so maybe not. I'd look into it but I dunno if I could do it.
Serafina Anya: Of course I do. I barely ever wanted to... I was forced into it when first in training dropped out last minute.
~Question Time!! Part 6~
From impossiblepostrunaway via Tumblr: Hi! I have a question for the tributes from D1, D6, D6, D7, D8, D12. What is your favorite color and why? :D
Iridesce: Hm... I like all the colors. I can't say I mind the color of my hair, but I also like royal purple, just because it's bright and, well, royal.
Callum: Mine is orange. I dunno why, it just is. I'm glad I didn't tell my prep team that, though, or else I would've ended up looking like a pumpkin!
Amari: I'm a navy blue kind of guy. It's just very mellow and definitely a cool color.
Billie: I haven't really given it much thought. Probably just black, because it's the color of darkness.
Riella: The color of Andy's eyes. Oh God I sound disgusting right now. But it's just... A fact. That's how you know you're kinda in really deep.
Kendal: I dunno if I could decide on just one. I love pink, though, but a soft pink, that reminds me of the sunset. I like all the colors, though, especially if they're described well in literature.
Felicity: Just choose one color? I enjoy them all. No matter what, my baby will be the best-dressed little rascal out there once I'm a Victor.
Nautica: The crimson red of blood on the wall. It's a relief because not only have we accomplished our goal, but we also get to live another day.
Leo: Probably charcoal, the color that's all over District 12's dim palette. Just because it's so familiar, it makes me think of my family and Zack.
Wren: Anything but charcoal. I love vibrant colors, especially yellow! District 12 is so incredibly pale and washed-out in terms of colors.
Iridesce: Hm... I like all the colors. I can't say I mind the color of my hair, but I also like royal purple, just because it's bright and, well, royal.
Callum: Mine is orange. I dunno why, it just is. I'm glad I didn't tell my prep team that, though, or else I would've ended up looking like a pumpkin!
Amari: I'm a navy blue kind of guy. It's just very mellow and definitely a cool color.
Billie: I haven't really given it much thought. Probably just black, because it's the color of darkness.
Riella: The color of Andy's eyes. Oh God I sound disgusting right now. But it's just... A fact. That's how you know you're kinda in really deep.
Kendal: I dunno if I could decide on just one. I love pink, though, but a soft pink, that reminds me of the sunset. I like all the colors, though, especially if they're described well in literature.
Felicity: Just choose one color? I enjoy them all. No matter what, my baby will be the best-dressed little rascal out there once I'm a Victor.
Nautica: The crimson red of blood on the wall. It's a relief because not only have we accomplished our goal, but we also get to live another day.
Leo: Probably charcoal, the color that's all over District 12's dim palette. Just because it's so familiar, it makes me think of my family and Zack.
Wren: Anything but charcoal. I love vibrant colors, especially yellow! District 12 is so incredibly pale and washed-out in terms of colors.
Question Time!!,
~Happy Birthday Blaine Buchanan! 4-25~
Today is a very important day, folks. It's Blaine's birthday!! And we at the Capitol love to celebrate! -Diesel
Happy birthday Blaine. Thank you for all your hard work. -Santana
Yes, I hope you enjoy your day. You deserve to have a break and relax, you earned it. -Saxon
Aw, thanks guys!~ -Blaine
Happy birthday Blaine. Thank you for all your hard work. -Santana
Yes, I hope you enjoy your day. You deserve to have a break and relax, you earned it. -Saxon
Aw, thanks guys!~ -Blaine
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
~Question Time!! Part 5~
From Anonymous via Tumblr: Questions for the 84th tributes: Kade: Would you kill the Victor who killed your sister, if you had the chance? Do you think she deserves to die? Briella: Was there a time where you and your girlfriend went through a bad moment, but still remained together? Tells us about it. Wren: If you won, what would be the first thing you would do when you got home?
Kade: Niesha Varlett killed Lydia, but I wouldn't kill her. Starting to go through the Games myself, I know that she was only doing what she had to in order to survive. Hopefully that's it, hopefully she regrets what she did, but... No, I wouldn't kill her. She may have volunteered for it, but I suppose in the big scheme of things it's not her fault.
Riella: There have been a couple arguments we've had, but probably one of the worst was about reapings. I told her I'd volunteer for her if she was reaped from when I was 16 and she was 17, and she said absolutely not, and I said absolutely, and she said then that she would volunteer for me. I told her no. She said it's only fair. I said no again, she accused me of implying that she's weak and has no chance. That's truly not what I meant. I meant that I would do anything for her and I want her to always be safe and happy. We ended the argument abruptly and she left. I was slightly horrified. Later she came back and gave me a muffin from the bakery as a treat and we talked it out. That was definitely the most intense argument we had.
Wren: Hug my family and friends and make sure they know how incredibly deeply I love them and how much I am blessed by their friendship. Losing them is what's hurt me the most.
Kade: Niesha Varlett killed Lydia, but I wouldn't kill her. Starting to go through the Games myself, I know that she was only doing what she had to in order to survive. Hopefully that's it, hopefully she regrets what she did, but... No, I wouldn't kill her. She may have volunteered for it, but I suppose in the big scheme of things it's not her fault.
Riella: There have been a couple arguments we've had, but probably one of the worst was about reapings. I told her I'd volunteer for her if she was reaped from when I was 16 and she was 17, and she said absolutely not, and I said absolutely, and she said then that she would volunteer for me. I told her no. She said it's only fair. I said no again, she accused me of implying that she's weak and has no chance. That's truly not what I meant. I meant that I would do anything for her and I want her to always be safe and happy. We ended the argument abruptly and she left. I was slightly horrified. Later she came back and gave me a muffin from the bakery as a treat and we talked it out. That was definitely the most intense argument we had.
Wren: Hug my family and friends and make sure they know how incredibly deeply I love them and how much I am blessed by their friendship. Losing them is what's hurt me the most.
Question Time!!,
Monday, April 11, 2016
~Question Time!! Part 4~
From Sophie via Tumblr: Here are some questions:
Callum: Do you wish your relationship with your parents was different?
Vidarr: If you had to pick your favorite thing about living in District Two, what would it be?
Maggie: If you had stayed in D2, do you think you would have married your girlfriend? Also, who do you think would have proposed to the other? You or her?
Collin: What is your favorite memory about your father?
Amari: You had friends, a good life and you were popular. But besides that, is there anything you wish you had done while you were still in District Six? Like, something you regret not doing?
Riella: What is your favorite thing about your girlfriend? Also, how did you know you loved her in the first place?
Kendal: If you hadn’t been reaped, what do you imagine your life in District Seven would be like after you turned eighteen?
Felicity: Have you picked a name for your baby? If so, what made you pick it?
Kade: If you could say anything to your sister, what would it be?
Leo: Weird question, but would you change your name if you could?
Callum: Of course I do. I wish my mother hadn't been stupid and gotten pregnant with me when she was so young. I wish I had parents. I mean, of course my grandparents mean the world to me, and they've done everything they can for me, but... I wish I was like the other kids at Academy who had time to focus on training instead of having to juggle a job and caring for them and all... So yeah, I wish it was different.
Vi: Well, besides my Ashe, probably just how well-off we are. If we lived anywhere else, Ashe and I probably wouldn't have been able to run away together without permission and get an apartment. I mean, it's by no means a great place, but it's a place. And we can feed ourselves. And that's really all that matters.
Maggie: Well... I mean, it's hard to say because we're still both 16, and I don't think either of us intends on getting married so young. But, of course I've thought about the possibility. It's a little crazy to think about, with both of us so young. If someone were to propose... I dunno. I mean, it could be either of us. Neither of us would propose without being totally sure that we wanted to do it. Hannah is so much more creative than me, though, it'd probably be more romantic if she did it. But you never know.
Collin: My father was always my best friend. I have plenty of happy memories of sitting at the table with him and eating fruit and giggling in our small dusty kitchen. The first time he took me out on the open sea, and I remember how incredibly amazing it was, to be out sailing on the ocean. He said, "Smell the air, Collin. This will be your home." *sighs* Yeah.
Amari: Well, I'm only 15. There's a lot of stuff I wish I could've done, but like, when I'm ready. I mean, I haven't gone all the way with anyone, but I wouldn't do that if I could change things. I wouldn't until I was older. Other than that, I can't say there's anything I regret. Maybe I'd be more respectful of my mother, but she's such a killjoy I just can't help it.
Riella: My favorite thing about Andy? Oh, everything. So sappy, I know. But I can't pick just one thing, that's why I love her so much. That's why I picked her over my parents. I knew I loved her one time when we were talking together and I realized there was nobody I'd rather be talking to, nobody I'd rather spend my time with, nobody I'd rather be with more than her.
Kendal: Well... Trying to figure out where I belong, I guess. I suppose I would spend some time travelling with my Dad before learning to teach on my own and being a teacher to camp kids. Maybe find someone to get married to, if that happens I won't fight it. I'd just be nothing special, as is usual for District 7 people.
Felicity: I haven't considered it too much. Jonathan and I were gonna talk about it after the reaping but obviously that didn't work out, now did it?
Kade: I would say... I'm sorry. For everything. I blame myself for her death, of course, I should've done something... But it's definitely not her fault. I would say how much I love her and wish she was here. *sad sigh*
Leo: Yeah, I think I would. I mean, it's so plain and simple and sometimes I'm not sure it suits me.
Question Time!!,
Sunday, April 10, 2016
From yourtheamericanpsycho via Tumblr: Here’s a question for: Callum, Iridesce, Maggie, Collin. Amari, Briella and Wren. If you had to pick your favorite memory from home, what would it be? Who would be in it?
Callum: I have plenty of fond memories. But one of my favorites would probably be my grandmother's birthday last year. We had some cake, we spent the day together, and Armory and Niss even came over for some of it. It was just a fun day of bonding for all of us.
Iridesce: Hm... Well, it would probably be that day when I came out as genderfluid to my family, and asked them to refer to me as they/them. Those days don't come too incredibly often, but that first time that I knew what I wanted and my family and friends accepted and respected that... Made me extremely happy.
Maggie: It would probably be back when my father was still alive. Hannah and I had a sleepover, and my family insisted we stay in the living room and have a family game night. My mother brought out a deck of cards and we all played together. Then Hannah and I went to my room together and snuggled and kissed when we were sure my parents and Sammie were asleep. That happened before I was out. But I still remember it fondly.
Collin: Back when I was younger, when I was 12 and Tel was born and joined our family, he was just a baby. Running on the beach, feeling the ocean wash across my bare feet as I was so carefree, my father was there holding Tel and watching, we were a happy family and the beach was so warm and welcoming. Of course, that memory's ruined because of the fact that the sea turned against me and took my father, though.
Amari: Anything before the Games, really. I had it perfect. I'm well-liked, surrounded by pretty people that are interested in me, and of course, I have my best friends Kyle and Lydia by my side. People respect me and think I'm funny. I lived the good life every day, before I was reaped. I mean, I suppose there was that one day I spent with that guy that was really good if you know what I mean, but really I can't pinpoint a specific moment.
Riella: Mine would have to be that first morning that I woke up next to Andy. Yeah, leading up to that I knew I was moving in with her: the preparations, the day spent unloading my things and getting me settled, but I guess the full meaning of the moment didn't hit me until I opened my eyes and saw her face there and knew that I was home. I knew that I would never deal with another hateful word from my parents, another argument with them. I was really, truly home, for the first time, I was content, I knew that it all paid off and worked out.
Wren: I don't know if I can pinpoint a specific moment, but it would definitely include my family and friends. My parents, my siblings Robyn and Jay, my friends Tansy and Emberly... We've all had so many smiles and laughs together it'd be hard to pick just one moment or memory as a favorite. I remember fond things about each one of them, really.
Callum: I have plenty of fond memories. But one of my favorites would probably be my grandmother's birthday last year. We had some cake, we spent the day together, and Armory and Niss even came over for some of it. It was just a fun day of bonding for all of us.
Iridesce: Hm... Well, it would probably be that day when I came out as genderfluid to my family, and asked them to refer to me as they/them. Those days don't come too incredibly often, but that first time that I knew what I wanted and my family and friends accepted and respected that... Made me extremely happy.
Maggie: It would probably be back when my father was still alive. Hannah and I had a sleepover, and my family insisted we stay in the living room and have a family game night. My mother brought out a deck of cards and we all played together. Then Hannah and I went to my room together and snuggled and kissed when we were sure my parents and Sammie were asleep. That happened before I was out. But I still remember it fondly.
Collin: Back when I was younger, when I was 12 and Tel was born and joined our family, he was just a baby. Running on the beach, feeling the ocean wash across my bare feet as I was so carefree, my father was there holding Tel and watching, we were a happy family and the beach was so warm and welcoming. Of course, that memory's ruined because of the fact that the sea turned against me and took my father, though.
Amari: Anything before the Games, really. I had it perfect. I'm well-liked, surrounded by pretty people that are interested in me, and of course, I have my best friends Kyle and Lydia by my side. People respect me and think I'm funny. I lived the good life every day, before I was reaped. I mean, I suppose there was that one day I spent with that guy that was really good if you know what I mean, but really I can't pinpoint a specific moment.
Riella: Mine would have to be that first morning that I woke up next to Andy. Yeah, leading up to that I knew I was moving in with her: the preparations, the day spent unloading my things and getting me settled, but I guess the full meaning of the moment didn't hit me until I opened my eyes and saw her face there and knew that I was home. I knew that I would never deal with another hateful word from my parents, another argument with them. I was really, truly home, for the first time, I was content, I knew that it all paid off and worked out.
Wren: I don't know if I can pinpoint a specific moment, but it would definitely include my family and friends. My parents, my siblings Robyn and Jay, my friends Tansy and Emberly... We've all had so many smiles and laughs together it'd be hard to pick just one moment or memory as a favorite. I remember fond things about each one of them, really.
Question Time!!,
Friday, April 8, 2016
From Anonymous via Tumblr: Billie: Hello! You seem cool enough, so I'll talk to you first. I like you! You're definitely a contender in these Games - I wouldn't count you out, not for a second. I'd like to know, what's it like to be deaf? I mean, I have a deaf mom, so I know what it's like to live with one, but what's it like to lose one of your senses?
Billie: To have something such as the ability to hear and lose it, to onw that you're going to lose it and can't do a single damn thing about it... It's a process that involves a lot of grief. It took a long time for me to admit that my hearing was going. They say it's something you can get over or learn to live with, but I've never gotten over it or learned to live with it. It hurts me all the time that I'm looked down upon and discriminated against even though I can read lips. To lose one of your senses makes you realize that you would do anything to have it back and that you took it for granted. And that's one thing I'll never forgive myself for, and I'll never forgive anyone else for.
Billie: To have something such as the ability to hear and lose it, to onw that you're going to lose it and can't do a single damn thing about it... It's a process that involves a lot of grief. It took a long time for me to admit that my hearing was going. They say it's something you can get over or learn to live with, but I've never gotten over it or learned to live with it. It hurts me all the time that I'm looked down upon and discriminated against even though I can read lips. To lose one of your senses makes you realize that you would do anything to have it back and that you took it for granted. And that's one thing I'll never forgive myself for, and I'll never forgive anyone else for.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
From Anonymous via Tumblr: (Sorry, but it looks like you sent previous messages but this is the only one I got...) Nautica: You're evil for killing that innocent girl. I'm guessing you'll feel zero remorse in the arena. Karima: you remind me of Sheldon cooper. Kade: I bet gio is an inspiration to you. I feel super sorry for you :( do you think your story will give you an advantage with sponsors feeling sorry for you? Rachel: think you'd partner with Kade since you have the homeless thing in common? Raoul: love the fiddle, play turkey in the straw Martina: I think you'll remind me of Krissa from the 36th Games. Edgard: who can actually afford to go to a bar in 11?! Wren: pretty name....
Nautica: Of course not. You do what you have to do, simple as that.
Karima: Who's Sheldon Cooper? *confused*
Kade: Oh, Gio. Thirty... Sixth Victor, if I remember correctly? I'm not really up to date on my Games history, but I do remember that he was homeless too. So yeah. He said... Oh, I don't remember exactly. But basically told everyone that they could do anything. Which is cool. As for my story... We'll see. Hopefully, but you never know with Capitolites....
Rachel: I'm considering my allies carefully. We'll see...
Raoul: If only... It's going to be a long couple of months without my fiddle there. Music is such an important part of my life and who I am...
Martina: I don't remember much about all the way back then. I've tried to avoid Games history whenever I can.
Edgard: Mostly Peacekeepers, which are important connections to make. A very few number of the higher ups, and Victors occasionally drop by.
Wren: *smiles* Thank you. I like my name, and my whole family is named after birds.
Nautica: Of course not. You do what you have to do, simple as that.
Karima: Who's Sheldon Cooper? *confused*
Kade: Oh, Gio. Thirty... Sixth Victor, if I remember correctly? I'm not really up to date on my Games history, but I do remember that he was homeless too. So yeah. He said... Oh, I don't remember exactly. But basically told everyone that they could do anything. Which is cool. As for my story... We'll see. Hopefully, but you never know with Capitolites....
Rachel: I'm considering my allies carefully. We'll see...
Raoul: If only... It's going to be a long couple of months without my fiddle there. Music is such an important part of my life and who I am...
Martina: I don't remember much about all the way back then. I've tried to avoid Games history whenever I can.
Edgard: Mostly Peacekeepers, which are important connections to make. A very few number of the higher ups, and Victors occasionally drop by.
Wren: *smiles* Thank you. I like my name, and my whole family is named after birds.
Question Time!!,
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