Made by LokiThisIsMadness

Name: Niesha Varlett
Age: 20
Games they won: 82nd Hunger Games
Appearance: Niesha has long, wavy blonde hair,
and light grey eyes. She is quite tall, standing only a hair under 6'2'', with
a lanky, gaunt figure. Hair is long, tangled, and straw-colored, often in some
form of ponytail so it doesn't get in her face. Her eyes are a strange
hazel-grey colour. She doesn't like too fancy clothing, only if it is when
she's in the Capitol and has no other choice, but she usually wears a simple
dress or a t-shirt and jeans, when she's home.
Personality: Niesha built up an emotional wall
around her since she was a young girl. She saw how emotions hurt her family,
and made people do truly bad things, and how they would hurt her one day if she
let them. For that, she never really learned how to trust people. She wants to,
but in the end, it's something that she's just not capable of doing. People get
hurt when they put their entire trust in someone else, and Niesha could never
affiord to let that happen to her. She wants to do, but in the end, she's not
able to. However, there are some people that manage to get through her walls,
and after, Niesha isn't about to let them go anywhere. She does anything for
the people she truly cares about, and even might get a little overprotective at
times. She wants the best for them, for the people who never managed to
disappoint her. About the others, Niesha couldn't care less about. Many people
told her that if she learned to think with her head, and not with her heart,
she would get somewhere in life. She followed that, and in most situations,
Niesha is able to remain calm and use her logic, instead of doing whatever her
heart wants her to do. There are still some emotions that manage to get to her,
though, and she can't always use them to her advantage. There's a part of her
that wishes she had died in the Games, and be free from all of that mess, but
then she looks around. Seeing the sea, or playing with her daughter, those are
the things worth living for. That was all she ever wanted, to get somewhere in
life, and truly mean something. She saw all the Victors; remarkable people,
tall and strong, and Niesha realized that was who she wanted to be, and
everything she had done to fight for it. Once she gets her mind set in an idea,
Niesha will never give up on it. Either it ends up good or bad, she will follow
it, no matter what happens. That's what got her through the Games, the
determination to fight, and it hasn't failed her yet. That's the thing about
her, she always wants more. Not necessarily money, but in the current days, all
that Niesha wants is peace. Peace to be with her family, with her girlfriend,
and peace to be who she truly was. But she knows that in order to survive,
because the Games never truly end for the Victors, there are things that she
needs to do.
Strategy for mentoring: Niesha does everything
in her power to help them. Not because she wants another Victor, but because
she wants them to live. Children don't deserve to die, even if they choosed to
be in there, Niesha does her best to try and help them get home. If she can't,
well, at least she knows that she did her best to try and save them.
Relation to tribute: Since she's close to
their age, Niesha can't help it but see them as a friend. As someone she could
have seen in school, or someone that she might have spoken to in a party. She
tells her tributes everything that happened in her own Games, and how they can
be better than her, and not make the same mistakes that she did when she
entered the arena.
Opinion on being a Victor: That was why when
the President came to her, telling her about what every Victor had to do,
Niesha said yes. She couldn't let her family get hurt. She made up a routine
since then, and whenever she is in the Capitol, she doesn't allow herself to
feel. Maybe it makes her a bad person, maybe it doesn't, but Niesha doesn't
care. Whenever she's home, she's happy. Whenever she looked at her family, or
went to swim in the sea, she realized how much she loved being alive and there
was nothing that she would ever change about it.
Opinion on the Capitol: After what they did to
her, Niesha wants nothing more than distance from them. She knows, however,
that she has to pay her duty for them and make sure her tributes have the best
chance that they can.
Opinion of escort: Niesha treats in a fair
way, like she does with everyone. Even if she is from the Capitol, Niesha will
treat her with respect, because she never gave her any reason for Niesha to
hate her. She's willing to work with her, for the sake of their tributes, even
if her escort isn't always the best person to be around, for someone who's not
so fond of the Capitol.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: If you are willing
to fight for what you want, then you deserve it. She lets her tributes know
that if they fight, they'll get their Victory but most of all, they'll deserve