Monday, February 15, 2016

Mary Catherine Bundren, District 1 Escort

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Mary Catherine Bundren
Age: 28-ish
Have been escorting since: This is her first year.
Appearance: Slightly chubby and of average height with blue and purple “galaxy hair” that she wears in a braid around her head all elegantly.  She has a bit of a gap tooth, and always has shiny lips and is way into all kinds of gemstones.  She has red scars from self-harm on her arms, but is scheduling an appointment to have them removed.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Very vibrant and colorful, based on how she’s feeling is how she dresses.  She wears make-up accompanying her outfit and is not afraid to be big and bold.  She doesn’t change her hair but puts it in many different styles.
Personality: Mary Catherine is loud and has a huge personality.  She isn’t afraid to say what she means.  She sometimes lacks tact.  She’s a big party girl and still enjoys to have a good time, though she is a very compassionate mother to her daughter Padme.  She fights for powerful women and will never be subdued.  She is very passionate and energetic, and her main goal is to bring new life to District 1 and impact every tribute she has.  However, she soon finds herself getting attached to the tributes.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She is absolutely thrilled that Diesel put her in this position and will never thank him enough for it.  She loves District 1 and is proud to be serving as an escort there.
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them like a combination.  She acknowledges that they’re human and she wants to get them home, but also shows them off and treats them like they know nothing at times.  Eventually, though, she finds she can be genuine with them and starts to really like them as people.
How do they treat the mentors?: She absolutely adores the mentors and wants to get to know them better.  Treats them like celebrities, which annoys them.  Asks way too many questions.

Pet Peeves: Anyone saying anything bad about Diesel, anyone bringing up her scars, anyone not taking the Games seriously, annoyed with Callum because he’s not the scheduled volunteer. 

Niesha Varlett, District 1 Mentor: Iridesce

Made by LokiThisIsMadness

Name: Niesha Varlett

Age: 20

Games they won: 82nd Hunger Games

Appearance: Niesha has long, wavy blonde hair, and light grey eyes. She is quite tall, standing only a hair under 6'2'', with a lanky, gaunt figure. Hair is long, tangled, and straw-colored, often in some form of ponytail so it doesn't get in her face. Her eyes are a strange hazel-grey colour. She doesn't like too fancy clothing, only if it is when she's in the Capitol and has no other choice, but she usually wears a simple dress or a t-shirt and jeans, when she's home.

Personality: Niesha built up an emotional wall around her since she was a young girl. She saw how emotions hurt her family, and made people do truly bad things, and how they would hurt her one day if she let them. For that, she never really learned how to trust people. She wants to, but in the end, it's something that she's just not capable of doing. People get hurt when they put their entire trust in someone else, and Niesha could never affiord to let that happen to her. She wants to do, but in the end, she's not able to. However, there are some people that manage to get through her walls, and after, Niesha isn't about to let them go anywhere. She does anything for the people she truly cares about, and even might get a little overprotective at times. She wants the best for them, for the people who never managed to disappoint her. About the others, Niesha couldn't care less about. Many people told her that if she learned to think with her head, and not with her heart, she would get somewhere in life. She followed that, and in most situations, Niesha is able to remain calm and use her logic, instead of doing whatever her heart wants her to do. There are still some emotions that manage to get to her, though, and she can't always use them to her advantage. There's a part of her that wishes she had died in the Games, and be free from all of that mess, but then she looks around. Seeing the sea, or playing with her daughter, those are the things worth living for. That was all she ever wanted, to get somewhere in life, and truly mean something. She saw all the Victors; remarkable people, tall and strong, and Niesha realized that was who she wanted to be, and everything she had done to fight for it. Once she gets her mind set in an idea, Niesha will never give up on it. Either it ends up good or bad, she will follow it, no matter what happens. That's what got her through the Games, the determination to fight, and it hasn't failed her yet. That's the thing about her, she always wants more. Not necessarily money, but in the current days, all that Niesha wants is peace. Peace to be with her family, with her girlfriend, and peace to be who she truly was. But she knows that in order to survive, because the Games never truly end for the Victors, there are things that she needs to do.

Strategy for mentoring: Niesha does everything in her power to help them. Not because she wants another Victor, but because she wants them to live. Children don't deserve to die, even if they choosed to be in there, Niesha does her best to try and help them get home. If she can't, well, at least she knows that she did her best to try and save them.

Relation to tribute: Since she's close to their age, Niesha can't help it but see them as a friend. As someone she could have seen in school, or someone that she might have spoken to in a party. She tells her tributes everything that happened in her own Games, and how they can be better than her, and not make the same mistakes that she did when she entered the arena.

Opinion on being a Victor: That was why when the President came to her, telling her about what every Victor had to do, Niesha said yes. She couldn't let her family get hurt. She made up a routine since then, and whenever she is in the Capitol, she doesn't allow herself to feel. Maybe it makes her a bad person, maybe it doesn't, but Niesha doesn't care. Whenever she's home, she's happy. Whenever she looked at her family, or went to swim in the sea, she realized how much she loved being alive and there was nothing that she would ever change about it.

Opinion on the Capitol: After what they did to her, Niesha wants nothing more than distance from them. She knows, however, that she has to pay her duty for them and make sure her tributes have the best chance that they can.

Opinion of escort: Niesha treats in a fair way, like she does with everyone. Even if she is from the Capitol, Niesha will treat her with respect, because she never gave her any reason for Niesha to hate her. She's willing to work with her, for the sake of their tributes, even if her escort isn't always the best person to be around, for someone who's not so fond of the Capitol.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: If you are willing to fight for what you want, then you deserve it. She lets her tributes know that if they fight, they'll get their Victory but most of all, they'll deserve it.

Gloss Constable, District 1 Mentor: Callumgl

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Gloss Constable
Age: 39
Games they won: 63rd
Appearance: Tall and strong with blonde hair and blue eyes, like your normal District 1 tribute.  Has a dashing smile, and is still dearly loved and sold by the Capitol because he hasn’t really settled down yet.
Personality: Very paranoid about the Capitol watching him, Gloss never acts like himself around anyone.  He is too scared of something he did being the cause of his tribute being at a disadvantage.  Even when he’s close to 40, he’s still flirtatious and a charmer.  He is determined to bring as many tributes home as he can. Secretly still upset over his shortcomings and failures as a mentor, but keeps a smile on.
Strategy for mentoring: Become friends with the tribute, get them to trust him, and give them all the advice he can think of.  A major storyteller, will say about what worked for him and what he wished he would’ve done.  Reminds his tribute that they have a lot to come home to and goes to get lots of sponsors for them, which is easy because he’s from a Career district.
Relation to tribute: Would try to get to know him, but not too much.  Would definitely be interested in why Callum volunteered, but doesn’t want to know too much for a fear of getting attached to his tribute too much.  Would do a lot to provide for him and provide a lot of helpful advice.  Would probably take a drink or two the night of the reaping, but sobers up quickly and has a high tolerance.
Opinion on being a Victor: It’s everything he’d always wanted, and he hated it.  He hates watching them put Cashmere through what he’s going through and knowing that everything he does has an effect on everyone around him.  Has become insecure and paranoid.
Opinion on the Capitol: Afraid of them, but tries to embrace them.  Has a few tattoos and other stuff of the sort, but mostly tries to stay true to his District roots.  Sold out to them, but keeps a smile and a flirtatious attitude. 
Opinion of escort: Mary Catherine is… A big personality.  She gushes over everything he does, which he thinks is typical for most Capitolites.  He wouldn’t be mean to her for fear of consequences, but would be glad when she wasn’t around.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You’re from a Career District, and you have the Capitol behind you.  Don’t give up, keep on fighting. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Vienna Turner, District 2 Escort

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Vienna Turner
Age: 28-ish
Have been escorting since: This is her first year!
Appearance: Short and of average weight with a doll-like face, (synthetically) pink cheeks, a sweet expression, and purple eyes. Her hair is multi-colored and wound up into two buns on the sides of her hair.  Fairly busty and not afraid to show it.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Vienna will never be caught wearing less than four colors at once.  She loves her sweet, light purple eyes, and her sweet face.  She never wears the same color lipstick two days in a row, nor eyeshadow.  She always likes to shake it up.  Her signature hairstyle is the buns and she wears it all the time.
Personality: Vienna is slightly more professional and mature than Mary Catherine, however she is very much in love with Diesel.  She’s a sweet person but also gets down to business and does not tolerate people slacking around.  She’s very protective of people, especially her brother Viridian.  She is very good at handling people, especially people who are sad or scared.  She’s right-off-the-bat very empathetic and there to comfort her tributes. She wants them to dominate in the Arena and is whole-heartedly rooting for them till the end.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: She loves it, and wants to get the big Arena gimmick out of Diesel by using her sexuality.  She thinks District 2 is powerful, but expected her tributes to be much more stoic, so she’s pleasantly surprised when they turn out to be personable. 
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them like people from the start.  She’s like the overenthusiastic aunt.  She’s rooting for them but also backs off to let the mentors do their work of teaching because they know best, they’ve been doing this a lot longer than she has.  She knows that she’s inexperienced, but wants to learn and gain experience. And, of course, she’s great at viewing things through a possible sponsor’s eyes.
How do they treat the mentors?: She respects them highly and is willing to be Pit’s servant just like she was for Mary Catherine.  She bends over backwards to work toward their satisfaction and is heartbroken to see them upset, even though they tell her she’s been great.  She sees broken lives and doesn’t know how to handle them when they’re not being romanticized, but she really does her best.  Nikko and Pit appreciate her though.  Also, she ships them to the death.

Pet Peeves: Anyone smack-talking Careers/District 1.  Anyone dissing the Victors, and anyone saying anything bad about Diesel.

Nikko Hollenbeck-Young, District 2 Mentor: Maggie

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Nikko Hollenbeck-Young
Age: 26
Games they won: 76th       
Appearance: Tall and stocky with shaggy blond hair and bright blue eyes. Has a great smile that he uses often.
Personality: Nikko is very much a jokester, but he knows when it’s important to be serious.  He’s good at breaking the tension and is very personable.  He likes to joke around to make people smile but also takes the Games seriously and will take mentoring seriously.  He has a lot of good advice and is very wise even though he’s still pretty young.  Knows a lot of tricks of the trade that he’s not afraid to share.
Strategy for mentoring: Will always hide the pain of being a Victor until after the Games are won.  Dedicated to bringing tributes back, and though he is rooting for both District 2 tributes, he will give lots of advice and secrets Pit doesn’t know to his tributes if they choose to train alone.  Generally well-liked and isn’t opposed to his tributes sneaking dessert.
Relation to tribute: He would definitely try to get to know them, but like Pit, not too deeply.  He would bond with Maggie over the fact that he has two mothers.  He wants to make her determined to come home, and she already is so he doesn’t have too much work to do.
Opinion on being a Victor: He does not like it, but he is very obedient and generally the biggest problem Snow has with him is the fact that he and Pit are openly in love and married.  He hopes that Nikko will control her flames, though, because he’s a lot more laidback than she is.  He helps keep her sane/in line.
Opinion on the Capitol: Loves it as a place, but hates everything they stand for.  Often travels the streets and stops at some of the side-shops.  Thinks paparazzi is annoying, but can deal with it well.  Plus he’s not being bombarded with photoshoots and interviews like Pit is. 
Opinion of escort: Really really thankful for all that Vienna does.  Always assures her that he’s comfortable and always thanks her even when Pit doesn’t.  Enjoys getting to know her and hearing what she has to say.  And will ramble to her all about how much he loves Pit.  They would totally gossip together.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: You know what to do, and I’m just here to be your cheerleader.  You can do it.

Pit Kensy, District 2 Mentor: Vidarr

Made by CelticGames4
Name: Pit Kensy
Age: 22
Games they won: 80th
Appearance: Has choppy brown hair that barely touches her shoulders, a boyish face, and chestnut brown eyes.  Often appears very edgy.  Very pregnant, so she looks more exhausted than usual and also has a huge belly.
Personality: Pit is someone that you do not want to cross.  She was strategically placed with Vi because she’s 8 months pregnant and the Capitol thinks that by putting her with him, that she’ll be too distracted being tired/photoshoots/appointments to really properly help him.  Well, the Capitol is quite mistaken.  She is determined to give Vi a full mentoring as well as juggling her pregnancy.  Especially moody and irritable at the moment, but doesn’t take it out on others, mostly just aggressively eats and complains.  She rolls around and complains and says “Fuck you Peregrine” a lot.
Strategy for mentoring: She’s going to do whatever it takes to get Vi a good experience.  She wants him to succeed as a personal fuck you to the president.  She is somewhat informed of his past, but that only puts more of a fire under her ass.  No matter how sick, tired, or moody she is, she will make sure she’s able to properly give him advice and do what she can to help him.  She will stay up late if she has to, she will do whatever it takes.  She will pull all-nighters.
Relation to tribute: She’s determined to help him, and though he’s awkward because she’s pregnant and also because he’s Vi, they’ll get along pretty well.  She only wants what’s best for him and would often try to remind him what he has to get home to.  She understands how he is, so longing to get back to Ashe, and would totally use that to put a fire under his ass.
Opinion on being a Victor: Fuck everything.
Opinion on the Capitol: Can’t really like them too much and wishes they weren’t so invasive regarding her pregnancy.  She knows that the reason Snow scheduled so many photoshoots and interviews about the pregnancy is to distract her, and that just makes her want to get Vi out more, just to watch Snow put the crown on his head.
Opinion of escort: She was really unhappy with her at first, but soon found that she liked Vienna much more than the past escort for 2.  She appreciates all that Vienna does for her, but wishes that she wouldn’t be so incredibly insistent on Pit and Nikko’s constant happiness.  Vienna runs a lot of errands and does a lot of soothing for Pit after really long days, and Pit appreciates that.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: People win these Games because of perseverance.  I’m not going to give up on you, so don’t give up on anyone.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Elizabeth Pond, District 3 Escort

Made by Emrys Holmes
Name: Elizabeth Pond

Age: 29

Have been escorting since: She's been escorting for eight years.

Appearance/Style(I put these two together): Elizabeth has chest-length, wavy, dyed dark purple hair and dark blue eyes edged by a couple of white rhinestones embedded outside the outer corners of her eyes. Her skin is pale, and she stands at about 5'7" which is boosted a few inches by high-heeled shoes. Typical styles for her are simple and elegant, always luxurious and colored to set off her hair and eyes, navy blue, indigo, or purple. Her reaping outfit consists of a long, sleeveless indigo dress, with white sparkles to resemble the night sky. On other occasions she's worn things that look more absurd, such as a purple dress covered in butterflies or a frilly blue one that reaches her knees.

Personality: Elizabeth is a kind and innocent soul. She doesn't understand exactly how brutal and unfair the Games are, but she feels some amount of pity for the tributes and is usually very kind and generous, helping them and consoling them if need be. She often defends the Capitol, making excuses for them, saying how 'such a wonderful place isn't that bad'. Elizabeth is horribly misguided in that respect. She feels an obligation to connect with the tributes on a personal level and will try and do so, to be a source of advice or to talk to if the mentor or the district partner isn't enough. 

Opinion of the District they're escorting for: Thinks District 3 people have potential for winning but are not usually winners.

How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: Somewhere in-between. She doesn't fully understand the brutality and unfairness of the Games, but she treats the tributes nicely.

How do they treat the mentors?: Elizabeth often tries to work with the mentors to help the tribute be the best they can be. She sees the mentors as equals, although they might not always get along with her seeing as she's a Capitolite and again, her lack of understanding of the brutality of the Games.

Pet Peeves: When someone blatantly insults, demeans, or puts the Capitol in a bad light in any way. Elizabeth tries to eradicate that sort of talk, because of the way she has seen the Capitol all her life, been raised to think that way, and because she actually believes the Capitol are the good guys.

Kitty Summons, District 3 Mentor: Cyra

Made by CrissKenobie-the-Numenorean
Name: Kitty Summons

Age: 34

Games they won: 68

Appearance: copper colored hair, full red lips, stands 5'4". She is quite buxom, but somehow always just looks cute and sweet to everyone. Lots of smiles and laughter. She has green eyes, and is of medium build.

Personality: sweet, cute, first impression of her is usually that she is nïeve, but the moment you piss her off, she will kill you. Thankfully she usually keeps her temper under control. 

Strategy for mentoring: talk, talk bunches, and pray to everyone good that her tribute is listening.

Relation to tribute: both are female? Both were once tributes?

Opinion on being a Victor: being a victor sucks...... 

Opinion on the Capitol: it's big, shiny, and utterly worthless, full of stupid people.

Opinion of escort: she doesn't mind them too much, except when that start to bug her about her manners which aren't terrible but are definitely not the best.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: schmooze the crowd, be lovable. If the crowd loves you, I can get you sponsors. Oh, and train hard!

Beetee Latier, District 3 Mentor: Ductor

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Beetee Latier
Age: 64
Games they won: 38th
Appearance: Dark skin and hair, brown eyes, nerdy, glasses, etc.
Personality: Very devious and constantly planning, Beetee can always stay organized.  He’s very bright and wise.  He is the most organized person and is good at keeping a level head, not letting very much shake him.  Beetee is a hard worker that always has something in mind and also a spectacular problem-solver. He does not rest until problems are solved.  He is a thinker that avoids dwelling on the past and focuses on the future.
Strategy for mentoring: Give all the advice he can.  He’s a seasoned veteran when it comes to mentoring, he knows what he’s doing.  He can deal with a wide range of tributes from all ages and knows how to calm them down and what advice to give.  He will always find their strengths and weaknesses, physically, mentally, and emotionally, and will give advice on how to build strength.  Losing so many tributes has become disheartening, but Beetee doesn’t give up.
Relation to tribute: He would definitely get to know his tribute intimately.  He would get to know everything about his tributes so he knows how he can best help them.  He gets to know their personalities inside and out, and will cater to them no matter what personality type.
Opinion on being a Victor: It’s horrid, but he’s used to it.  He is rebellious and wishes he could use his skills to help rebels, but he’s getting older and knows that he won’t see rebellion unfold.  He is obedient for fear that the Capitol will find some ways to hurt him, and secretly lives in pain.  He isn’t completely put back together, even after it’s been so long since his Games ended, they forever affected him.
Opinion on the Capitol: He abhors the Capitol and all they stand for.  He hates having to mentor tributes just to watch them die.  The Games still affect him.  He is very protective of the other Victors and generally can’t be happy when he’s in the Capitol.
Opinion of escort: He knows she’s just naïve and hopes that escorting will change her bit by bit.  He tries not to associate with her but when he has to he tries to be extremely patient with her, for fear that if he isn’t, there will be consequences.

Philosophy/Winning Advice: You may feel at a disadvantage, and in some ways you are.  But in some ways, you run circles around all the other tributes here.  Remember that.