Sunday, December 27, 2015

Effie Trinket, D12 Escort

Made by Suzanne Collins

Name: Effie Trinket
Age: 40’s
Have been escorting since: 60th or so
Appearance: Has pale, powdered skin and loves the color pink.  Wears a pink wig and dramatic Capitol make-up.  Very artificial.
Style (big and bright and bold? Simple? Any signature hair styles/clothing/etc.): Pink is her favorite color but she’s not afraid to venture into other colors.  She loves to be in-style and being out of the times is her worst nightmare.  Effie loves gold and wears a lot of expensive jewelry. 
Personality: Effie is very posh and is a stickler for proper etiquette.  She absolutely hates being late and tries to have faith in her tributes.  She is often seen as a nag, but always tries to see the bright side.  She may not be the most intelligent but is pretty average for a Capitolite. She likes shiny things and never gives up hope that District 12 may see another Victor, and wants to be escorting when it happens.
Opinion of the District they're escorting for: It’s such a dark and dreary place, but she is trying to not give up faith in it.  She wants to be around when they get another Victor and is therefore unwilling to give up. 
How do they treat the tributes? Like people, or like animals?: She treats them kind of in the middle.  She is very hard on them and is sometimes very condescending to them.  However, in the long-run, she wants to see them succeed.  Though she is mostly interested in the fame and glory that comes with having a Victor, she still does treat them like people in the end.
How do they treat the mentors?: She often nags Haymitch to sober up and gets more and more frustrated as he gets worse and worse as the years go on.  Desperately wants another Victor, preferably one more agreeable than Haymitch.
Pet Peeves: Being late, bad manners, Sass/Negativity, Haymitch’s Drunkenness

Haymitch Abernathy, D12 Mentor: Wren and Leo

Made by Suzanne Collins
Name: Haymitch Abernathy
Age: 50
Games they won: 50th
Appearance: Has long-ish, greasy blond hair and dead, drunk eyes, often forgets to shave. Looks very much a mess and is often spluttering drunk. 
Personality: Very tired of the Games and very tired of having to mentor kids to their death.  He is just so sick of existing, but he knows that he has to keep at it in the hopes of getting at least one tribute home as the years tick on and on.  He and Effie have become used to losing tributes so it barely affects him now as he drowns out his problems and sorrows with alcohol.
Strategy for mentoring: He’s given up all hope and wouldn’t put in much effort unless he finds a tribute that he thinks is worth the effort.  He and Effie are Games veterans that have seen it all, so he has good advice.
Relation to tribute: Detached, wouldn’t really talk to them except to ask where the alcohol is.  Though he may end up having faith in them.
Opinion on being a Victor: So done with it.  Done with the pain and the suffering, and wants to be nothing.  However the Capitol wants to keep him around so that District 12 can say it has a mentor and a Victor, even if he’s useless.
Opinion on the Capitol: Hates them, but so far hasn’t been pushed enough to open his mouth about it.
Opinion of escort: He and Effie have become a team of losing tributes.  They share the same sorrow that comes with District 12 not having a Victor, though other than that they’re complete opposites.  He sees her as a typical Capitolite nag.
Philosophy/Winning Advice: Simple. Don’t die. 

Saxon Hastings: Games Announcer, 84th Hunger Games

Hello, one and all. 
My name is Saxon Hastings, and I am the Announcer for the 84th Hunger Games.  
My favorite color is gold, and it's the color of my hair, lips, and even eyelashes!  I wear big black glasses and have freckles on my cheeks and nose.  I enjoy corsets and old-timey outfits but can also rock a suit, which I do almost all the time when I'm at work. I will very rarely be seen without my golden hair up in a ponytail.  I wear top-hats, too, totally unironically. 
I was chosen for the position of announcer because I have quite a loud voice.  I try to keep up my appearance at all times and really really enjoy fashion.  If I could live in a District it would definitely be 2.  I'm a joker with a boss-ass stage presence that puts even Diesel Bundren to shame.  I'm an exceptionally young announcer at 23, and not afraid to be sensual.  Perhaps that's why I got the job... Anyways, I'm an overachiever that wants to work up the ranks to an interviewing position, possibly even a Gamemaker, or even a Head Gamemaker.  I'm ambitious and not afraid to dream big.  It's one of those theatrical things that make me who I am.  I love a good Games, and can't wait to announce them!! 
Thanks for taking the time to read!  I hope you enjoy my work and the work of all my colleagues in the Games!! 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Blaine Buchanan, Interviewer: 84th Hunger Games

Hey everyone! 
My name is Blaine Buchanan, and I'm the interviewer for the 84th Hunger Games!! 
My favorite color is pink, and it's my permanent hair color.  Bowties are cool and I like to wear any color suits.  This year, for the big day of interviews, it's going to be red-violet.  Very pretty color.  
I was selected to interview for the 81st Games when I was younger at 19, because I have pancreatic cancer.  Because I went through chemotherapy, I lost all my natural hair, but nobody knows that because I always wear the same wig and it looks like natural hair. 
I'm very amiable and personable, and good at getting the tributes to chat.  So don't worry, and don't be shy!  I promise I'll help you out!  I'll try and throw you a bone with the questions.  I'm still a beginner, but I get better and better with each coming year. 
I hope you enjoy the interviews for the 84th Games.  I'm doing my very best!!  Thanks for your time everyone!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Santana Villanueva: Co-Head Gamemaker, 84th Hunger Games

Hello there, all.  I'm sorry for any kind of trouble Diesel may have caused. 
My name is Santana Villanueva. I'm the other co-Head Gamemaker of the 84th Games. I hope you will be impressed, we put a lot of work into them. Diesel came up with a lot of ideas that had so many inconsistencies and errors in them that the Arena would implode on itself. Luckily, I'm here to make sure these Games don't fall apart because he's a dumbass. And he's really a dumbass.
I was pushed into this job by my parents, just like he was, and we're also being pushed by our parents to get married. That's right, I'm arranged to be married to this asshole. God, I hate him. 
I don't like the big showiness of a lot of Capitolite citizens. My family mixed race, my mother is Mexican (which means nothing to me now), and my father is pale and pasty.  I was blessed with tan skin and dark hair like my mother, and... I'll get to that later, never mind.  I have red streaks in my wavy black hair, but it's usually pulled back in a ponytail. I love winged eyeliner and always have fake eyelashes on. 
I am a fighter, feisty and headstrong.  And yet I was never able to stand up to my parents. There is so much I couldn't do, and that always bothered me because of who I am as a person. My friends help me through, though. My best friend is Ross McCafferty, a Games history major who works behind the scenes in a lot of conceptualizing and critiquing of the Games. He smoked with me and helped edit my papers in University. He always knows what to say to me. 
I used to have a younger brother, named Ike, who was pale and blond like my father. Unfortunately, he committed suicide years ago... He was just a kid still, a teen. He intentionally wore a T-shirt just so that people could revel in all the cuts on his arms. It hurts me all the time. I always wear my locket with his picture in it. I don't let go of him, I refuse to let go of his memory. 
I hope you are impressed by our Games. Also, I hope that Diesel's dumb-assery doesn't cause everything to go into flames.  I guess we'll see, though. 

Diesel Bundren: Co-Head Gamemaker, 84th Hunger Games

Hi there!  Nice to meet you, y'know, you look really nice today! 
My name is Diesel Bundren, and I'm the co-Head Gamemaker of the 84th Hunger Games. I'm the mastermind behind the big gimmick of the Arena, and I must say that everything is going exactly as planned. You guys are gonna piss your pants when you see what I've come up with!! I'm clever and charming and never afraid to speak up. I have a thick accent of a people long dead, so-called "Irish." Basically it means that I have a different voice than my family, and also I was able to pick up a dead language called Gaelic from my family.
My mother Sharon's a real bitch, and my father's a lot more laidback.  She thinks he's a bum and regrets letting him give me my first name. She calls me by my middle name, Brian.  I don't respond to Brian. 
I'm not really one that goes into the bright colors like many around me.  I have dark hair that's natural and bright blue eyes which are contacts totally natural.  
I'm proudly bisexual and like to spend my nights having fun, if you know what I'm mean. I'm arranged to be married to Santana the prude, but I won't let being married to her tie me down. I won't let anything or anyone tie me down.
I was the top of my class in university, but that's the least of my qualifications for the job.  I have stage presence, I can get people to love me. Plus, I served time as a Peacekeeper in District 12, as well.  That's how I got many of my tattoos, from the dead Celtic race.  The tattoo artist from 12 was a real diamond in the rough, so to speak.  He was vulnerable and heartbroken and of course I exploited him a little bit. He was such a pretty face, though. I hope we get to see ol' Dennis Kasparek in this story. He's hot.
Anyways, off that topic. While I was serving as a Peacekeeper I tricked myself into thinking I was in love with one of my friends from home, Viridian Turner.  Who has a crush on my sister Katie.  Who has a crush on his sister Vienna.  Who has a crush on me.  It just goes around full circle, and I'm still the only one that knows it. It was all just a joke, I was afraid of dying, it wasn't real. Of course not. Even so, I call him my little Tweety Bird because he somehow always manages to run away right before I'm able to get him in my bed. But someday, I promise you.  He'll have to sleep with me. He's autistic and the Games make him nervous, so he didn't want me to hook him up with a job. Shame, he would've made a pretty little secretary. 
I know you'll be impressed by these Games and my work. And I hope you enjoy the show! 
~Diesel Bundren

84: Comments from those in charge of the Games

Blah blah blah, BOOOOOORRRIINGGGGG!!  Let's get onto the good stuff, now!!  I'm Diesel Bundren, the only person that matters in this whole thing!!! 
Ahem.  I believe we all matter too.  Diesel, you're an asshole.  I'm Santana Villanueva, the other co-Head Gamemaker. 
This is the place where you'll find all the tricks of the trade regarding our current badass project, the 84th Hunger Games: Silhouettes!
Here, you'll find insider info on the mentors and escorts, and tidbits about our tributes as well.  Not to mention arena plans, drawings, headcanons (whatever those are), and maybe even some one-shots (seriously what are those?!) about us and the tributes.  
So if you want to learn about the best person to ever grace the Capitol, you're in luck!  Because I'm the head honcho here, and here to answer any of your questions! 
And if you don't hate yourself, you can still check out out what's on the blog.  Where the hell is Blaine!?
Sorry, just got here!  Blaine Buchanan at your service, your interviewer!! 
There you are!  Finally!
Of course I had to be fashionably late!  Anyways, it's nice to see you and I hope you enjoy the blog!! 
How the hell are you guys doing this without me!? 
Saxon, you made it!!  Aren't you looking sax-y today? 
Get out. 
Anyways, our bloody conflicts aside, enjoy the blog! 


Hello, hello, hello!! 
Welcome to Celtic's SYOT Shenanigans, a new blog for all my SYOT-related stuff!  Mostly for 84 at this point.  
All partial-SYOT stuff will probably go on my Tumblr,, but here's where my full SYOT stuff will be posted. 
I hope you enjoy this blog and let me know what you think!  