Monday, July 18, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 12~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: In Silhouettes, how do each of the tributes with kills feel about their kills?
Iridesce: It's the bloodbath. They didn't have to go to the Bloodbath, they could've run away. 
Callum: I'm just focusing on moving forward. I prefer to be more on defense, but I have to prove myself. I volunteered for this, after all. 
Maggie: It is the Hunger Games. I know, that doesn't make it right. But that's what I have to keep telling myself.  
Riella: I have to get home, even if killing is what it takes. Andy needs me back home. I need to get back, and I'll do whatever it takes. I've just been trying to make it quick. 

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