Saturday, July 30, 2016

I'm going out of the country pretty soon so unfortunately the next update won't be for a week or two. So here's something else for consolation.
So the other day I had my friend Legend over and we decided to make an Arena map of Silhouettes on the computer game, Roller Coaster Tycoon. The consensus is that this is 100% how Diesel and Santana would've actually planned their Arena, using this game with no idea how the hell you play it. These are from my Snapchat! (If you want my Snapchat send me a PM!) 
Here are our adventures:
Our park entrance

Martina is almost by the ship ride in the story. So we named the ship ride in her honor.

We put food stalls where the food carts are. I called the Cotton Candy Stand, "Diesel is a jackass."

Nobody's near the slide, so we just called it the "Cha Cha Slide of Death."

Our Ferris Wheel, called "Vi and Collin in the hizhouse."

We had to hire staff members, so we named them after characters in the story:

Except for this one:

The roller coaster, called "The Fucking Careers Bitches." This isn't actually how I pictured it, I was just having trouble getting it to come together how I wanted in the game.

Viridian got stuck because he was obsessed with mowing the grass. 

After that, we named some of the people in the Games after the tributes. Hilarity ensues. 

^^^^^ Just. This.

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