Sunday, July 31, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 14~

From Anonymous via Tumblr; Oh my god, I'm really stupid. Yeah, I mixed up the titles. Apologies for that.
This is referring to an earlier ask I got saying they shipped Callum with his mentor, which confused me. Anyways, I'm really dense and still don't know who's being shipped here... Do you mean him and Iridesce's mentor, Niesha? Because they haven't interacted at all, which is why I'm confused, but is that what you meant?? Sorry :/

Updated Arena Map

Here's where the tributes are at the start of the third day. The first day stuff is still there but slightly transparent. 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Where Raoul, Edgard and Kendal are really hiding. 
(My sister judged me but I just had to take this picture I couldn't help it. I really want to draw the three of them crouching in this tiny pink merry-go-round.) 

I think of this story too much probably. (PM me if you want my Snapchat!) 

Also, we went shopping yesterday and I got kind of excited. Just kind of. (I didn't actually buy the pants I tried on, though, lol :P) 

Here are some videos from our adventures!

I'm going out of the country pretty soon so unfortunately the next update won't be for a week or two. So here's something else for consolation.
So the other day I had my friend Legend over and we decided to make an Arena map of Silhouettes on the computer game, Roller Coaster Tycoon. The consensus is that this is 100% how Diesel and Santana would've actually planned their Arena, using this game with no idea how the hell you play it. These are from my Snapchat! (If you want my Snapchat send me a PM!) 
Here are our adventures:
Our park entrance

Martina is almost by the ship ride in the story. So we named the ship ride in her honor.

We put food stalls where the food carts are. I called the Cotton Candy Stand, "Diesel is a jackass."

Nobody's near the slide, so we just called it the "Cha Cha Slide of Death."

Our Ferris Wheel, called "Vi and Collin in the hizhouse."

We had to hire staff members, so we named them after characters in the story:

Except for this one:

The roller coaster, called "The Fucking Careers Bitches." This isn't actually how I pictured it, I was just having trouble getting it to come together how I wanted in the game.

Viridian got stuck because he was obsessed with mowing the grass. 

After that, we named some of the people in the Games after the tributes. Hilarity ensues. 

^^^^^ Just. This.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

District 7 Drawings

Emrys is so fast hooooowww
Well, here's the D7 duo! Thanks again! 

District 3 Drawings

Here's Emrys's rendition of District 3's Cyra and Ductor! Thanks again Emrys lol I'm gonna be thanking you each time because LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE BBIES

District 9 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Karima Highland- Lady Lysa Arryn
Male Tribute: Kade Fields- hopefuldreamer1991

Escort; James Rhodes- Emrys Holmes

Female Mentor: Sunnoria Amaranth- Skyflapple

Male Mentor: Gabriel Yates- CrissKenobie-The-Numenorean

All together! Yay! 

~District 5 Tributes Drawings!~

Hey! So Emrys Holmes, who submitted Rachel, agreed to do some art for this story! So I'll be posting it here so you can all see how lovely it is!! Thank you so much Emrys, these are so good and I love them and I'm smiling really big right now!! If you ever want to draw something for the story please PM me and I'll post it here! 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Silhouettes Arena Map

Here's the Silhouettes Map! This is the basic layout of the Arena and where everyone is! The circles are food carts, and the triangles are spickets. The pink numbers are the females, blue are males (even though gendering colors is stupid, I had to keep track of them somehow XD). The red arrows are the direction people are wandering, if numbers are underlined it means they're not moving at the moment. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

District 10 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Rachel Turner- Emrys Holmes

Male Tribute: Raoul Keaton- Josephm611

Escort: Eleanor Smith- W. R. Winters

Female Mentor: Aleah May Meyers- xxPeppermint109xx

Male Mentor: Zander Smith- W. R. Winters

All together! Yay!

Monday, July 18, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 13~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: Okay, okay. So, not a question, but a head canon. I really ship Callum with his mentor. I want cute D1 babies from them.
Thanks for the headcanon, but I'm gonna have to ask for some clarification here because Callum's mentor is Gloss, and I don't think that's who you mean. If you could clarify for me, though, I'll take it into consideration! Again, thanks for the ask! 

~Question Time!! Part 12~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: In Silhouettes, how do each of the tributes with kills feel about their kills?
Iridesce: It's the bloodbath. They didn't have to go to the Bloodbath, they could've run away. 
Callum: I'm just focusing on moving forward. I prefer to be more on defense, but I have to prove myself. I volunteered for this, after all. 
Maggie: It is the Hunger Games. I know, that doesn't make it right. But that's what I have to keep telling myself.  
Riella: I have to get home, even if killing is what it takes. Andy needs me back home. I need to get back, and I'll do whatever it takes. I've just been trying to make it quick. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 11~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: For the 84th tributes (Maggie, Iridesce, Callum and Riella): if you could pick your future life, what would it be? Describe it.
Maggie: I would run away from District 2 with my girlfriend Hannah. We'd go far away, somewhere outdoors, just the two of us living comfortably, enjoying being together. I almost did run away, but decided against it. 
Iridesce: Life as a Victor, of course. Living in honor and glory, enjoying life in the Victor's Village. I want to be back with my friends and family, mentor tributes, and make sure they're happy and healthy. 
Callum: I want to live with a lot of admirers. Friends, as well, Armory and Niss. I want my grandparents to be comfortable, even though they realistically don't have too much time left... I'd like to find love somehow, someone cute that makes me smile. Maybe if I make it home I'll try to smooth things over with Gravity. 
Riella: My life with Andy is life I could live forever. If I could make it ideal, of course I would make it so that neither of us would have to work to live comfortably. That would really be the only thing I'd change, the financial state we're in. 

District 11 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Martina ReyĆ©s- xxPeppermintxx109
Male Tribute: Edgard Lowell- santiago.poncini20
Escort: Delicia Armand- santiago.poncini20

Female Mentor: Chaff Durant- Suzanne Collins

Male Mentor: Donavan Osten- hopefuldreamer1991
All together! Woo hoo! 

Friday, July 15, 2016

District 12 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Wren Ponderosa- Mystical Pine Forest

Male Tribute: Leo Aslan- W. R. Winters

Escort: Effie Trinket- Suzanne Collins
Mentor: Haymitch Abernathy- Suzanne Collins

All together! Hope you enjoy!

New Series!

I'm starting to draw the characters, finally! Since I started the reapings with District 1, I figured I'd start drawing with District 12. I started with chibis to get a grip on the designs for the characters. All of the escorts and mentors will get chibis as well! Can't say they're really good, but I think they turned out pretty cute! So stay tuned! 
Bloodbath progress has been made. I have an outline done and written, I just need to put it into action.  Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Riella's Interview Dress

"Her dress is a pale color that's close to skin tone, with pale green leaves all around. The skirt is huge, revealing only a toe of the wedges she wears." 

Felicity's Interview Dress

"My dress this time is a dark, royal navy, a velvety material with lace sleeves. It's a gown that washes across my feet, hiding wedged sandals I wear. There's a silver piece that goes right above the curve of my bulging stomach."