Wednesday, March 15, 2017

84 Afterlife!AU, Part 5

District 2's Vidarr Yggdraval didn't get up. 
He knew damn well where he was. He knew what had happened. He knew. He was in denial, but in the back of his mind, he knew. Ashe would be all alone. He never dreamt that this would happen, he always thought he would be safe. He realized now how they had deluded themselves. President Snow would have his revenge. Vi should have known. He should have been smarter about it, always on guard. He shouldn't have just shut himself away from the rest of the world. He should have been present, aware of what was happening around him, he should have been everything... He felt so stupid. He felt like a fool, a District 2 tribute that was reaped. He should have known that even with all the work that he and Pit and Vienna could have done, ultimately he had to die. If he were to live and be happy after what he had done, what would that say about the authority of the Capitol? He should have done something, anything differently, anything to be back there... He didn't want to come to terms with his new surroundings. No matter where he was, he would never feel complete without Ashe. He hated himself for abandoning her, and could only hope that she didn't blame him. It was so easy to blame him. 
Ashe was smart, she knew who the real enemy was. Vi knew that about his wife, and loved it. Thinking about Ashe hurt, because he knew that she would miss him, maybe even more than he missed her. Maybe not, though. He loved her endlessly, and that would never change no matter how much time they spent apart. He had been so close... That's what stung more than anything. 
He didn't look up until he heard a small sniffle, and saw Iridesce with her face buried in her knees, trying to hold it together. 
District 1's Iridesce Eurian was in despair
How could this have happened?! How could she have died!? She had spent her last moments begging for the pain to stop, waiting to be saved by death. She didn't realize how weak she had been. How they had practically reduced her to nothing.
Now the pain was gone. She felt the strange but warm sense of calm in her chest. She didn't want to feel warm, not after she had spent the last moments of her life burning alive. It was horribly unfair. 
She knew that her friends were missing her. It wasn't fair! None of this was fair! She was by far the most prepared tribute there, the only Career that actually deserved the spot. It should have been hers for the taking! Without the Capitol intervening, she could have taken the prize, easily. She could have defeated any tribute in that goddamn Arena!! Damnit, it was so unfair!! 
She didn't want to cry. Crying was weakness. If there was one thing Iridesce had conditioned herself against, it was weakness. She hated being weak, she hated feeling so inferior. She couldn't control it, though. She felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up, only to see the boy from District 2 there, watching her. 
"What are you looking at?!" she asked angrily, voice shaking. 
"Nothing. Just..." 
"Wait, when did you die? I didn't hear a cannon-" 
"I can only assume that your world was royally fucked too, right?" 
"I was cheated." She stared at her feet angrily, feeling hurt and upset. "I have a full family waiting for me back home!  I was trained and ready, I wanted this! Why would they target me, I did everything. Right!!" 
"I don't know," Vidarr said honestly. "I have no idea what's going on down there. But I feel like we can figure it out.
"And if I don't want to?" She couldn't help being bitter. She was just cheated of her life. It wasn't fair.  
"Then that's your loss. But I'm going." Vi started to leave when another figure appeared, gasping. 
Iridesce couldn't even make herself satisfied that her killer had also been cheated of life. However, she didn't want to stay around to see Cyra realize that she couldn't go home. 
"Fine. But not because I like you." Iridesce stood up, trying to feel as calm as her body wanted her to. 
Vidarr left the temple, laughing. "Wouldn't have thought you did." Iridesce swallowed hard and followed, leaving the sobbing girl behind.
Cyra had really thought she could get away. 
She hadn't even expected her opponent to throw the spear. She couldn't have expected any of it. She felt horrible for being so stupid and not running away faster.  
Sure, the burning building had a big effect on her ability to run. It had injured her and made her a perfect target for a vengeful Career. 
There had to have been something she could have done... Anything. She felt horrible, she thought about her little nephew, her mother and brother and his wife, her boyfriend... Oh God, Lennon. Poor Lennon, he was probably missing her horribly. Cyra could feel his thoughts, warm and fuzzy in her chest, and also the thoughts of her family as well as... Her stylist. Elentari. Cyra wondered why Tari was thinking about her so much... She couldn't think about that now, though, she just felt so bad for losing her chance as easily as she did. It was a terrible feeling. 
Cyra halted her tears enough to stand up. She couldn't do this alone. No, she knew exactly what she needed. 
Cyra exited the temple and into the great beyond. As soon as her eyes saw the light, she was practically tackled. She knew exactly who was hugging her, and hugged Ductor back tightly. 
"I'm so sorry Ductor!" she sobbed, hugging her District partner and burying her face in his neck. 
"You did so well," he murmured, "Sixth place. You made us all proud back home."   
"It wasn't enough! I couldn't help your family, or get back to mine-" 
"I know it's hard. But you did phenomenal. District 3 hadn't had anyone break the final 8 in so long." 
"Wait, I'm sixth?" Cyra looked at him with misty eyes. "How...?" 
"Apparently they haven't been shooting off cannons. Cory was first, then Maggie, and Vidarr. Then Iridesce, and you." 
"That's awful," Cyra murmured. She couldn't believe so many tributes had died and she had no idea. 
Ductor hugged her tightly again. "We don't have to think about it. You did so well." 
"Thanks," Cyra said quietly, but she hoped someday she'd believe it. 
"Cyra!!" Another boy ran over just then and threw his arms around her, causing more tears to form in Cyra's eyes. 
"Hamilton!" she sobbed. "I'm so sorry Hamilton!"
"Don't be. It's not your fault." He hugged her tightly, the real Hamilton, not the demonic representation of the boy. Cyra needed her friends here to help her survive this, being so far away from home and everyone she loved. She was glad they didn't blame her, even if she blamed herself. 
"I'm sorry anyways," she whispered, and held her ally and friend tightly. 
"It'll be okay. We're going to make it." 
Cyra sniffled and dried her eyes before Hamilton and Ductor each took one of her hands. 
"The troublesome trio, back together. We'll make it. Together." 
Cyra sniffled, but a smile spread across her face. "That sounds great to me."  

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