Saturday, May 28, 2016

~Question Time!! Part 8~

From Anonymous via Tumblr: to all of the tributes- sexually, what do you identify as?
Iridesce: Even though I'm genderfluid, I usually just call myself homosexual because I like cis-girls. 
Callum: Bisexual. 
Maggie: Lesbian.
Vidarr: Bisexual, heteroromantic. 
Cyra: Bi/Demisexual and Bi/Demiromantic. 
Ductor: I-I don't know yet... I mean, I haven't found much of an interest in romantic relationships or sexual ones so... I dunno...
Serafina Anya: Straight. 
Collin: Ace. Heteroromantic. 
Cory: Bisexual, but I lean more towards guys. 
Hamilton: Bisexual.
Billie: Straight.  
Amari: Bisexual. 
Riella: Lesbian. 
Kendal: Pansexual. And, uh, *clears throat* I'm not confused about this fact. 
Felicity: Straight. 
Nautica: Straight. 
Karima: Straight. 
Kade: Straight. 
Rachel: Bisexual! 
Raoul: Straight. 
Martina: Bi, but I lean more towards guys. 
Edgard: S-Straight... I-I mean, I've been in c-confusion a bit about h-how I feel about dudes, but... Dammit, I hate it!!  Don't ask!! 
Wren: Straight. 
Leo: Asexual, Heteroromantic. 

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