Saturday, August 27, 2016

Day 4 Arena Map

Here's where the tributes are at the end of the 4th day! The next chapter will hopefully be out soon!

Celtic Speaks

Heyo! Celtic here with an update as of 8/27/16: I lived through move-in day. I'm still pretty busy with Welcome Week and classes don't start until Tuesday, so updates for this story will probably become pretty sparse, if you haven't noticed. Just checking in and saying that I'm not giving up on Silhouettes at all,  and I'm going to do my best!

Thanks for all of the support!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

District 7 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Briella "Riella" Delani- LokiThisIsMadness

Male Tribute: Kendal Beck- Wetstar
Escort + Male Mentor: Cobra Richie- HogwartsDreamer113
Female Mentor: Heather Pierce- We're All Okay
Male Mentor: Adler Shelton- HogwartsDreamer113

All Together! Yay!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Day 3 Arena Map

Here's where the tributes are at the end of the third day!

District 8 Chibis!

Female Tribute: Felicity Johnson- Kyoko Rose

Male Tribute: Nautica Martinez- the victor of panem
Escort: Jessamine Di' Avile Montyguile- GryffindorOnFire

Female Mentor: Carissa Kempton- Wetstar
Male Mentor: Jute Silk- Programming

All together! There we go!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Watch this. And then tell me it wouldn't be hilarious for Edgard or Kendal to say "I've got dibs on Raoul." I dare you.